Part 37 (1/2)
Lauren knocked on Dr. Alvisio's office door. Earlier this morning, the epi-demiologist had requested, rather urgently, a moment with her. But this was the first chance she'd had to break away and meet with him.
Instead, she had spent the entire morning and afternoon in video con-ference with Dr. Xavier Reynolds and his team at Large Scale Biological Labs in Vacaville, California. The prion protein they had discovered could be the first clue to solving this disease, a contagion that had claimed over sixty lives so far with another several hundred sick. Lauren had arranged for her former student's data to be cross-referenced and double-checked by fourteen other labs. As she waited for confirmation, she had time to meet with the epidemiologist.
The door opened. The young Stanford doctor looked as if he hadn't slept in weeks. A bit of darkstubble shadowed his cheeks, and his eyes were bloodshot. ”Dr. O'Brien. Thank you for coming:” He ushered her into the room.
Lauren had never been in his office, so she was surprised to see a whole array of computer equipment lining one entire wall. Otherwise, the room was rather Spartan: a cluttered desk, an overflowing bookcase, a few chairs The only personal touch was a lone Stanford Cardinals banner hanging or the far wall. But Lauren's eye was drawn back to the computer bank. The monitors were full of graphs and flowing numbers.
”What was so urgent, Hank?” she asked him.
He waved her to the computers. ”I need you to see this:” His voice was grim.
She nodded and took the seat he offered before one of the monitors.
”Do you remember when I told you about the possible signature spike of basophils early in the disease process? How this clinical finding might be a way to detect and specify cases more quickly?”
She nodded, but since hearing his theory, she had already begun to doubt it. Jessie's basophils had spiked, but the child was recovering very well. There had even been talk of letting her out of the hospital ward as soon as tomorrow. This rise in basophils could be something that occurs with many different fevers and is not specific to this disease.
She opened her mouth to say just that, but Dr. Alvisio interrupted, turning to his computer keyboard. He typed rapidly. ”It took me a full twenty-four hours to gather data from around the entire country, specifi-cally searching for fever cases in children and the elderly with characteris-tic basophil spikes. I wanted to run a model for the disease using this new criteria:”
On the monitor, a map of the United States appeared in yellow with each state mapped out in black lines. Small pinpoints of red dotted the map, most cl.u.s.tered in Florida and other southern states. ”Here is the old data. Each area of red indicates current doc.u.mented cases of the con-tagion:”
Lauren slipped on her reading and leaned closer.
”But using the basophil spike as the marker for designating cases, here is a truer picture of the disease's present status in the United States:” The epidemiologist hit a keystroke. The map bloomed brighter with red dots. Florida was almost a solid red, as were Georgia and Alabama. Other states, empty before, now were speckled with red spots.
Hank turned to her. ”As you can see, the number of cases skyrockets. Many of these patients are in unquarantined wards due to the fact that the trio of signs designated by the CDC have not shown up yet.
They're expos-ing others:”
Despite her doubts, Lauren felt a sick churn in her belly. Even if Dr. Alvisio was wrong about the basophils, he had made a good point. Early detection was critical. Until then, all feverish children or elderly should be quarantined immediately, even if they weren't in hot zones like Florida and Georgia. ”I see what you're saying,” she said. ”We should contact the CDC and have them establish nationwide quarantine policies:”
Hank nodded. ”But that's not all:” He turned back to his computer and typed. ”Based on this new basophil data, I ran an extrapolation model. Here is what the disease picture will look like in two weeks:”He pressed the ENTER key.
The entire southern half of the country went red.
Lauren sat back in shock.
”And in another month:” Hank struck the ENTER key a second time.
The red mottling spread to consume almost the entire lower forty- eight states.
Hank glanced at her. ”We have to do something to stop this. Every day is critical:”
Lauren stared at the bloodstained screen, her mouth dry, her eyes wide. Her only consolation was that Dr. Alvisio's basis for this model was proba-bly overly grim. She doubted the basophil spike was truly an early marker for the disease. Still, the warning here was important. Every day was critical.
Her pager vibrated on her hip, reminding her that the war against this disease had to be fought with every resource. She glanced down to her pager's screen. It was Marshall. He had followed his numeric code with a 911. Something urgent.
”Can I use your phone?” she asked.
”Of course:”
She stood and crossed to his desk. Hank returned to his computers and statistical models. She dialed the number. The phone was answered in half a ring.
”Lauren. . :'
”What is it, Marshall?”
His words were rushed, full of fear. ”It's Jessie. I'm at the hospital:”
Lauren clutched the phone tighter. ”What is it? What's wrong?”
”Her temperature is up again:” His voice cracked. ”Higher than it's ever been. And three other children have been admitted. Fevers, all of them:”
”Wh . . . what are you saying?” she stammered, but she knew the answer to her own question.
Her husband remained silent.
”I'll be right there,” she finally said, dropping the phone and scrab-bling to replace it in its cradle.
Hank turned to her, noticing her reaction. ”Dr. O'Brien?”
Lauren could not speak.Jessie . . . the basophil spike . . . the other chil-dren. Dear G.o.d, the disease was here!
Lauren stared gla.s.sily at the monitor with the map of the United States mottled entirely in red. The epidemiologist's theory was not a mistake. It wasn't overly pessimistic. ”Is everything all right?” Hank asked softly.
Lauren slowly shook her head, eyes fixed on the screen.
One month.
5:23 PM.
Kelly sat hunched with her brother, both flanking Olin Pasternak. The Russian computer expert was s.c.r.e.w.i.n.g down the cover piece to rea.s.semble the satellite communication system. He had been working on it all after-noon, trying to raise the States.