Vol 1 Chapter 11 (1/2)


at 7th of August 2019 11:17:17 PM

Chapter 11

Part 1

Очи индиго – Indigo Eyes

First Lieutenant Liev Lepus was free-falling at two hundred kilometers per hour

He jumped from an aircraft at an altitude of three thousand plus s and rode on the layer of air

His goggles clung to his face

The hipped around hih his padded jacket

Below him were the open parachutes of the cosmonaut cadets which fell before hi the vast plains

He caught the sight of the Borik River flowing like a belt

He slowly drew closer to mother earth

“It’s about tiers, his parachute released

A canopy rushed outwards froely as it caught air, quickly and forcefully lifting his body


While rocking in the air, Liev muttered to himself

“This is cosmonaut Liev Lepus, I have returned from space just now…!”

His voice didn’t reach anybody, as it dissolved into the air

“──Just kidding…”

If his superior officer heard such a joke, he’d get scolded severely

Liev’s face winced as he tightly grasped his parachute cord

The grand sunset colored the desolate wetland red

Liev and the other cos, got on the air force bus directly headed towards the space development municipal, “Laika 44” This city was an essential location to push forward the “Miechita Project”, it was a recently established sector that underwent construction in March of 1960 of the Orthodox Calendar[1], where nine thousand authorized personnel ere involved in space development lived

However, “Laika 44” was not listed on any state-issued istered inhabitants Further city located forty-four kiloh, the two are coed cadoion] where Liev lived, was an existence which itself was a state secret The population was obligated to swear to confidentiality—it was strictly prohibited to speak of work content, residence, etc, outside of the city If violated, then the secret police, the National Preservation Committee—aka the [Express Co and have theh a majority of the nation’s populace new of the successful man-made satellite launch, they were not aware of the state of affairs of space development

“To deceive an eneh secretiveness is a traditional means of the republic

Municipalities which were veiled in secrecy were troublesoions were prohibited, and railroads did not pass through them, so, they could only be reached by autohfare onto a side road which cut through a plain, there were signs which said “Future Dead End” and “Off-Lih the coniferous forest, having completely lost sense of direction and ti the city would co the exterior of the outer wall, there is only one entrance and exit which had guards with ate to sniff of the scents of suspicious characters

Liev, who had stepped off of the bus, went through the gate after showing is ID and residence license

“Oi, Liev!”

His supervisor, Lieutenant-General Viktor, with a drunken-red face hailed to him with a hoarse voice He was in afrom his muscularity and had an extraordinary anified that he was a war hero with unyielding strength

“What is it, cohtened his back, preparing for a scolding—Lieutenant General Viktor furrowed his eyebrows intensely and glowered

“Co center The Chief wants to speak to you as soon as possible”

“The C-Chief!?”

That name was unexpected; Liev was struck with an icy shock that traveled down his spine

The chief, Slava Korovin, was the genius who n director Like “Laika 44”, his existence was state secret, and he was an extreilant of the United Kingdo assassinations, so Korovin was hidden from the world When it was only necessary to announce to the public, he was addressed as the “Chief Designer”, and the results were confidential; the United Kingdom feared that “there is a sorcerer in the east”

If he were called by such a big shot, then it wasn’t for a trivial , the names of the twenty or so cadets would be whittled down even further, but had they started a cutback in advance??

—And Liev had a bad feeling; Lieutenant General Viktor raised his voice

“Head to the director’s office!”


Lieutenant General Viktor s cadets unanimously called out to Liev

“What’d you do this ti a spare huh…”

“Liev Stay healthy”

“Hold up, hold up! Don’t drop h Liev brushed aside the grieving gazes, he was at a loss for an answer to “Why were you called?”

“… anyways, I’ll see you later”

Liev had been appointed as this year’s cos; because of a certain incident in the summer, he was demoted to spare personnel Unless a er be able to be the “first cosmonaut in human history”

“Still, I hope I could fly so is not to be the first in history It’s getting to soar into the cosood that Liev stayed positive and didn’t get discouraged, the situation was intense

The Training Center, located within the city’s develop; you couldn’t feel any sense of space at all froh a corridor with a celestial globe on display and found himself before the chief’s rooents] with long, black leather coats with National Preservation Co Liev’s every htened his tie, knocked on the door, and stated his name

“Cadet Liev Lepus has coar smoke streamed out

“How discourteous!”

Liev eyed everyone as expecting him inside; about two to three steps into the rooent] shut the door firulped

Next to Lieutenant General Viktor was aa white coat with a thin physique—Mr Mozhaysky, the head of bio, black hair that had been combed down and a pointed handlebar mustache He was a doctor that frequently experis into space

In the middle of the room, aout purple srey, swept-back hair He was briy A firm body that was unexpected for a civil officer and thick skin that covered his hand was a sign that he has endured harsh labor in the es

Korovin shot an intense glint, like that of a bear, at Liev as if he were his prey

“It’s been half a year, on(Zilant[2])”

“Yes, comrade Chief”

An unpleasant drop of sweat ran down the back of Liev’s neck Although Korovin was the se aura

“As you are aware, we have beenproducts to help fulfill the dream(Miechita) and quickly advance the develop necessary to be successful at huer-eating assholes down to size!”

Korovin said imperiously Just the other day, due to the first ently ordered to succeed by First Secretary Gergiev Liev thought this to himself and silently listened to the story

“The plan can be successful, however, there is one ravity of space has not been verified Isn’t that so, Dr Mozhaysky?”

Dr Mozhaysky twirled his mustache as he spoke

“Numerous plants and anis that were launched also returned safely, although, there were a few abnor Via telees, however, it’s unreasonable to conclude that humans can be equally treated as the saht up

“Under these circuovern the launch of a lobally through national broadcasting”


Liev couldn’t believe what he was hearing

Up until now, the republic’s government held the notion of “There is no failure allohen it comes to space exploration”, and as a result, only cases of success have been announced One previously failed mars exploration case was secretly dealt with behind closed doors without appearing at the table

In other words, it was an unusual exception for disclosure during an experiht, Lieutenant-General Viktor spoke

“If the live broadcast is successful, it will be a blow to the United Kingdoainst”

Korovin tightly balled and raised his fist

“We seek a one hundred percent success rate! The should be no i the return, and after the return! But no-one has ever been out into space until now, so how can we verify that it is sufficiently safe?”

There were far too ions of the huofro the earth”?

Would one behave abnor faced with death adjoined by dread?

If you returned safely, would any serious prognostic symptoms co through the exploration site

Korovin made a sour expression

“If the crew ely on the live broadcast and died, ould be blalobe Even I am extremely reluctant”

Dr Mozhaysky suddenly addressed Liev with a grand and overwhel s for these experiments?”

“Eh, Ah… Yes”


On the contrary, though, Dr Mozhaysky discontentedly twiddled his ood Monkeys were placed aboard acabin, then the switch and sensor which were installed were destroyed and torn out In co, which is cute and obedient, they were crafty and cunning, full of vihts There was also the issue of being unable to coerated tone

“It’d be a different story if the monkeys were influenced by cosmic rays and suddenly involved into humans! Look, comrades! The first birth of an alien in history!”

It was a dicey joke; everyone forced a h, Liev still did not know as to why he had been su to the conversation

The at

No way, is he going to secretly substitute me with a monkey?

The world would launch a false hts? He suddenly turned his body towards Liev and looked straight at him

“Comrade Liev Lepus”


Liev prepared himself

Korovin took a small pause, then spoke

“Do you know of bloodsuckers(Nosferatu)?”

Toward the unexpected question, Liev blinked in disbelief

“… I’m sorry, what now…?”

“The Bloodsuckers(Nosferatu)”

“… Ah, yes The fabled extraordinary bloodsuckers… or the bloodsucking races which dwelled in reions of the country of Lilith[3]…”

“Yes I’ country west of the republic which had been invaded by an ene the Great War A bloodsucker(Nosferatu) clan, which lived in the quiet recesses of the overnment’s “Control Policy” due to its citizens which had a deeply ingrained idea that they had a “Cursed Seed”

It was this reason why raphs either; Liev was the sa clans were grotesque ave the impression that they were “fierce ht”