Part 20 (1/2)

If thou cost me not this honor, from thy side I will retire.”

The lord Cid gave him answer: ”I am pleased with thy desire.

Of the Moors go make a trial, lo, where they are in sight.

From hence we shall behold it, how the Abbot fights the fight.”


And don Jerome the Bishop went spurring thence away.

'Gainst the cnd of the encampment lie guided forth the fray.

By his good hap and G.o.d's mercy who ever loved him well, At the first stroke he delivered two Moors before him fell.

When in twain his lance was broken, he set hand upon the blade.

Well was he tried. And Name of G.o.d! what a fair fight he made!

Two with the lance, and with the sword five of the foe he slew.

The Moors are very many. Around him close they drew, They did not pierce his armour, though they laid on strokes of power.

His eyes beheld the Bishop, who was born in happy hour, He caught his s.h.i.+eld, the battle-spear he laid it low along, He spurred Bavieca the well-paced steed and strong, He went to smite against them with all his soul and heart.

The foremost ranks of battle did the lord Cid dispart: Of the Moors he struck down seven, and five of them hath slain.

G.o.d was well pleased, the battle it was granted him to gain.

My lord Cid and his henchmen in hot pursuit they went.

There had you seen the stakes uptorn and may a tent-rope rent, And all the ten-poles falling that were wrought so rich and brave.

From the tents, my lord Cid's va.s.sals King Bucar's henchmen drave.


Out of the tents they drave them; on them in pursuit they flew.

Many arms and many a hauberk, had you seen there cloven through, And many a head well helmed in the battle fallen low, And many a steed masterless that galloped to and fro.

For seven miles together they followed up the flight.

As he followed, on King Bucar the Cid my lord did light: ”Turn hither, Bucar. thou hast come from the land over sea.

The Cid whose beard is mighty thou shalt meet with presently.

Let us greet, and in fast friends.h.i.+p let each to each be bound.”

To the Cid answered Bucar: ”Such a friends.h.i.+p G.o.d confound.

A sword in hand thou bearest, and I see thee spur amain, Seemeth well that thou upon me to try that blade art fain.

If my horse keep from stumbling and falleth not with me.

Thou shalt not overtake me till we ride into the sea.”

My lord Cid answered: ”With the truth that word no faith shall keep.”

A good steed had Bucar that sprang off great leap on leap.

But the Cid's Bavieca upon him fast did gain.

Three fathoms from the water was Bucar overta 'en.

He has lifted up Colada. A great stroke did he smite.

The carbuncles upon his heml he has smitten through forthright.

He cut straight through the helmet, all else in twain he crave, And slas.h.i.+ng to the girdle of the King came down the glaive.

Bucar the King from oversea the Cid hath overthrown.

Well worth a thousand golden marks was the great sword Tizon, That he took there. 'Twas a victory most marvelous and great.

Here my lord Cid got honor and all that on him wait.


And now with all that booty, homeward again they wheeled.

And be it known that steadfastly they plundered all the field.

With him who in good hour was born to the fonts they came once more; My lord the Cid Roy Diaz, the famous Campeador, With two swords he greatly cherished through the carnage swiftly pa.s.sed.

O'er his brow his cap was wrinkled, back was his mail-hood cast, And but a little ruffled was the cap upon his hair.

On every side his henchmen came thronging to him there.