Part 30 (1/2)

”Ah,” she said again, with a look in her eyes not pleasant to see, ”and what brings you up here in the hills?” Hers was more than an ordinary curiosity.

”I come to see the Padre who was with Phil--when he left. And the Padre's a fair square sort, as I reckon him, but melancholy, almighty melancholy.”

”Yes, melancholy, I suppose,” she said, ”and fair square, as you say.

And what did you say and do?”

”Why, we yarned about Phil, and where I'd get the legacy to-morrow; and I s'pose I had a strong breeze on the quarter, for I talked as free as if we'd grubbed out of the same dough-pan since we was kiddies.”


”Yes siree; I don't know how it was, but I got to reelin' off about Jo--queer, wasn't it? And I told 'em how he went down in the 'Fly Away', and how the lovely ladies--you remember how we used to call the whitecaps lovely ladies--fondled him out to sea and on to heaven.”

”And what did--the Padre--think of that?”

”Well, he's got a heart, I should say, and that's why Phil cottoned to him, maybe,--for he looked as if he'd seen ghosts. I guess he'd never had a craft runnin' 'tween a sand-bar and a ragged coral bank; nor seen a girl like the 'Fly Away' take a buster in her teeth; nor a man-of-war come bundlin' down upon a nasty glacis, the captain on the bridge, engines goin' for all they're worth, every man below battened in, and every Jack above watchin' the fight between the engines and the hurricane.... Here she rolls six fathoms from the glacis that'll rip her copper garments off, and the quiverin' engines pull her back; and she swings and struggles and trembles between h.e.l.l in the hurricane and G.o.d A'mighty in the engines; till at last she gets her nose at the neck of the open sea and crawls out safe and sound.... I guess he'd have more marble in his cheeks, if he saw likes o' that, Miss Falchion?”

Kilby paused and wiped his forehead.

She had listened calmly. She did not answer his question. She said: ”Kilby, I am staying at the summer hotel up there. Will you call on me--let me see.... say, to-morrow afternoon?--Some one will tell you the way, if you do not know it.... Ask for MRS. Falchion, Kilby, not Miss Falchion.... You will come?”

”Why, yes,” he replied, ”you can count on me; for I'd like to hear of things that happened after I left Apia--and how it is that you are Mrs.

Falchion, for that's mighty queer.”

”You shall hear all that and more.” She held out her hand to him and smiled. He took it, and she knew that now she was gathering up the strings of destiny.

They parted.

The two pa.s.sed on, looking, in their cool elegance, as if life were the most pleasant thing; as though the very perfume of their garments would preserve them from that plague called trouble.

”Justine,” said Mrs. Falchion, ”there is one law stranger than all; the law of coincidence. Perhaps the convenience of modern travel a.s.sists it, but fate is in it also. Events run in circles. People connected with them travel that way also. We pa.s.s and re-pa.s.s each other many times, but on different paths, until we come close and see each other face to face.”

She was speaking almost the very words which Roscoe had spoken to me.

But perhaps there was nothing strange in that.

”Yes, madame,” replied Justine; ”it is so, but there is a law greater than coincidence.”

”What, Justine?”

”The law of love, which is just and merciful, and would give peace instead of trouble.”

Mrs. Falchion looked closely at Justine, and, after a moment, evidently satisfied, said: ”What do you know of love?”

Justine tried hard for composure, and answered gently: ”I loved my brother Hector.”

”And did it make you just and merciful and--an angel?”

”Madame, you could answer that better. But it has not made me be at war; it has made me patient.”

”Your love--for your brother--has made you that?” Again she looked keenly, but Justine now showed nothing but earnestness.