Part 21 (1/2)

Carl brought a whisky c.o.c.ktail.

”Where's de matches, you tissy-cat?”

Carl wiped his hands on his ap.r.o.n and beamed: ”Well, so the old soak is getting too fat and lazy to reach over on the bar and get his own!

You'll last quick now!”

”Aw, is dat so!... For de love of Mike, d'yuh mean to tell me Lizzie is talking back? Whadda yuh know about dat! Whadda yuh know about dat!

You'll get sick on us here, foist t'ing we know. Where was yuh hoited?”

Petey McGuff's smile was absolutely friendly. It made Carl hesitate, but it had become one of the principles of cosmic ethics that he had to thump Petey, and he growled: ”I'll give you all the talking back you want, you big stiff. I'm getting through to-night. I'm going to Panama.”

”No, straight, is dat straight?”

”That's what I said.”

”Well, dat's fine, boy. I been watching yuh, and I sees y' wasn't cut out to be no saloon porter. I made a little bet with meself you was ejucated. Why, y'r cuffs ain't even doity--not very doity. Course you kinda need a shave, but dem little blond hairs don't show much. I seen you was a gentleman, even if de didn't. You're too good t' be a rum-peddler. Glad y're going, boy, mighty glad. Sit down. Tell us about it. We'll miss yuh here. I was just saying th' other night to Mike here dere ain't one feller in a hundred could 'a' stood de kiddin' from an old he-one like me and kep' his mout' shut and grinned and said nawthin' to n.o.body. Dat's w'at wins fights. But, say, boy, I'll miss yuh, I sure will. I get to be kind of lonely as de boys drop off--like boozers always does. Oh, h.e.l.l, I won't spill me troubles like an old tissy-cat.... So you're going to Panama? I want yuh to sit down and tell me about it. Whachu taking, boy?”

”Just a cigar.... I'll miss you, too, Petey. Tell you what I'll do.

I'll send you some post-cards from Panama.”

Next noon as the S.S. _Panama_ pulled out of her ice-lined dock Carl saw an old man s.h.i.+vering on the wharf and frantically waving good-by--Petey McGuff.


The S.S. _Panama_ had pa.s.sed Watling's Island and steamed into story-land. On the white-scrubbed deck aft of the wheel-house Carl sat with his friends of the steerage--st.u.r.dy men all, used to open places; old Ed, the rock-driller, long, Irish, huge-handed, irate, kindly; Harry, the young mechanic from Cleveland. Ed and an oiler were furiously debating about the food aboard:

”Aw, it's rotten, all of it.”

”Look here, Ed, how about the chicken they give the steerage on Sunday?”

”Chicken? I didn't see no chicken. I see some sea-gull, though. No wonder they ain't no more sea-gulls following us. They shot 'em and cooked 'em on us.”

”Say,” mused Harry, ”makes me think of when I was s.h.i.+p-building in Philly--no, it was when I was broke in K. C.--and a guy----”

Carl smiled in content, exulting in the talk of the men of the road, exulting in his new blue serge suit, his new silver-gray tie with no smell of the saloon about it, finger-nails that were growing pink again--and the sunset that made glorious his petty prides. A vast plane of unrippling plum-colored sea was set with mirror-like pools where floated tree-branches so suffused with light that the glad heart blessed them. His first flying-fish leaped silvery from silver sea, and Carl cried, almost aloud, ”This is what I've been wanting all my life!”

Aloud, to Harry: ”Say, what's it like in Kansas? I'm going down through there some day.” He spoke harshly. But the real Carl was robed in light and the murmurous wake of evening, with the tropics down the sky-line.

Lying in his hot steerage bunk, stripped to his under-s.h.i.+rt, Carl peered through the ”state-room” window to the swis.h.i.+ng night sea, conscious of the rolling of the boat, of the engines shaking her, of bolts studding the white iron wall, of life-preservers over his head, of stokers singing in the gangway as they dumped the clinkers overboard. The _Panama_ was pounding on, on, on, and he rejoiced, ”This is just what I've wanted, always.”

They are creeping in toward the wharf at Colon. He is seeing Panama!

First a point of palms, then the hospital, the red roofs of the I. C.