Chapter 92 (1/2)

Chapter 92: Chapter 92

“Don’t you think it’s strange?”

Yuja was thinking everything was strange, but he was accepting it all without a problem. He even felt the cat in front of him looked quite familiar, even though he’d never seen it before, so maybe he was seriously crazy.

This time, the cat waved its tail slowly instead of meowing. Its yellow eyes flashed.

“Anyway, you’re a lot like Myohan’s cat…”

But after he said that, he realized Myohan had no cat. He had said nothing about having a cat. Then, why was he thinking this strange cat resembled Myohan’s pet cat?’

‘Yuja, you didn’t go on last year’s school trip, were you?’

His head ached. He suddenly remembered what Myohan had asked him that during the school trip last year. He had also asked, ‘But then, why have you come this time?’

Even now, that sounded like a stupid question. Anyone else would have asked why he had missed the last trip. He pressed on his aching head then he frowned hard as another piece of memory flashed through his head.

‘So even Myohan gets into a relationship.’

He himself had said that once. Myohan hadn’t been able to say anything to it.

‘I guess he must be really great.’

Then memories started to flood out. Sinsul bringing in a bunch of boys he didn’t know, hanging out with them, and falling asleep all in the same room. The Snow White of Class 1 and the broken lock…

“…Okay, I get Myohan,”

Still frowning, he asked himself.

“But what the hell is with that princess?”

The cafeteria was full of boys as usual. Sadeol bit his lips and stared hard down on his tray full of meat. There was cooked rice, some kimchi, and lots of meat. The menu wasn’t special, but it was good enough.

Seonhan, who was already stuffing his mouth with food, asked him, “Why aren’t you eating?”


Sadeol sobbed, choked by emotion. Then, he looked at Seonhan with teary eyes.

“I love meat…”

He got a few frowns from his friend in return, all asking, ‘So what?’

“I’m never going back to being a vegan, ever.”

After he said that, he put a huge piece of meat in his mouth and chewed happily.

“But why did you become a vegan in the first place?” Seonhan asked when they were almost done eating, their trays almost empty. Sadeol’s eyes widened.


He had avoided meat for years. No one forced him to, but he just did it. He had given his meat to Seonhan everyday until today. He crossed his arms and thought about it. Then he asked back.

“…Why did I do that?”

Really, he couldn’t know.

He never had thought much about why he’d become vegan, but the moment he realized it, he couldn’t get rid of it from his head. He loved meat. Well, most people did, but he was a serious meat-lover, but he had lived as a vegan for almost a decade. He had meat a few times in that period, but mostly he had oppressed his urge.

But then, why had he tried so hard? He tried to find out the reason all day why he had become a vegan and why he had started eating meat again. Of course, he didn’t know.

In science class, the teacher showed them a documentary film about panthers. The animal’s nimble body and sharp, feline eyes were quite impressive.

‘It resembles someone I know.’

He thought for a second. Of course, he spent most of the time thinking about his past life as a vegan.

“Hey, Sadeol, how about we play soccer with Sinsul?”

“Great! Let’s go!”

He was still thinking about it when Seonhan asked him to play soccer together. Sinsul was Seonhan’s friend from middle school. Sadeol knew him well as they often played soccer. Plus, Sinsul was nice and could be friends with anybody.

“Pass me the ball!”

“No! Stop him!”

Sadeol’s worry left his mind while he was running around on the field. After moving around and rolling on the ground a few times, he felt a lot better. He got so excited that he kicked the ball hard.

“Hey! What are you doing?”