Part 10 (1/2)
=Omens.=--In return for so much homage, so many festivals and offerings, the Greeks expected no small amount of service from their G.o.ds. The G.o.ds protected their wors.h.i.+ppers, gave them health, riches, victory. They preserved them from the evils that menaced them, sending signs which men interpreted. These are called Omens. ”When a city,”
says Herodotus,[57] ”is about to suffer some great misfortune, this is usually antic.i.p.ated by signs. The people of Chios had omens of their defeat: of a band of one hundred youths sent to Delphi but two returned; the others had died of the plague. About the same time the roof of a school of the city fell on the children who were learning to read; but one escaped of the one hundred and twenty. Such were the antic.i.p.ating signs sent them by the deity.”
The Greeks regarded as supernatural signs, dreams, the flight of birds in the heavens, the entrails of animals sacrificed--in a word, everything that they saw, from the tremblings of the earth and eclipses to a simple sneeze. In the expedition to Sicily, Nicias, the general of the Athenians, at the moment of embarking his army for the retreat, was arrested by an eclipse of the moon; the G.o.ds, thought he, had sent this prodigy to warn the Athenians not to continue their enterprise. And so Nicias waited; he waited twenty-seven days offering sacrifices to appease the G.o.ds. During this inactivity the enemy closed the port, destroyed the fleet, and exterminated his army. The Athenians on learning this news found but one thing with which to reproach Nicias: he should have known that for an army in retreat the eclipse of the moon was a favorable sign. During the retreat of the Ten Thousand, Xenophon, the general, making an address to his soldiers, uttered this sentiment: ”With the help of the G.o.ds we have the surest hope that we shall save ourselves with glory.” At this point a soldier sneezed. At once all adored the G.o.d who had sent this omen. ”Since at the very instant when we are deliberating concerning our safety,” exclaimed Xenophon, ”Zeus the savior has sent us an omen, let us with one consent offer sacrifices to him.”[58]
=The Oracles.=--Often the G.o.d replies to the faithful who consult him not by a mute sign, but by the mouth of an inspired person. The faithful enter the sanctuary of the G.o.d seeking responses and counsel.
These are Oracles.
There were oracles in many places in Greece and Asia. The most noted were at Dodona in Epirus, and at Delphi, at the foot of Mount Parna.s.sus. At Dodona it was Zeus who spoke by the rustling of the sacred oaks. At Delphi it was Apollo who was consulted. Below his temple, in a grotto, a current of cool air issued from a rift in the ground. This air the Greeks thought[59] was sent by the G.o.d, for he threw into a frenzy those who inhaled it. A tripod was placed over the orifice, a woman (the Pythia), prepared by a bath in the sacred spring, took her seat on the tripod, and received the inspiration. At once, seized with a nervous frenzy, she uttered cries and broken sentences. Priests sitting about her caught these expressions, set them to verse, and brought them to him who sought advice of the G.o.d.
The oracles of the Pythia were often obscure and ambiguous. When Crsus asked if he should make war on the Persians, the reply was, ”Crsus will destroy a great empire.” In fact, a great empire was destroyed, but it was that of Crsus.
The Spartans had great confidence in the Pythia, and never initiated an expedition without consulting her. The other Greeks imitated them, and Delphi thus became a sort of national oracle.
=Amphictyonies.=--To protect the sanctuary of Delphi twelve of the peoples of Greece had formed an a.s.sociation called an Amphictyony.[60] Every year deputies from these peoples a.s.sembled at Delphi to celebrate the festival of Apollo and see that the temple was not threatened; for this temple contained immense wealth, a temptation to pillage it. In the sixth century the people of Cirrha, a neighboring city of Delphi, appropriated these treasures.[61] The Amphictyons declared war against them for sacrilege. Cirrha was taken and destroyed, the inhabitants sold as slaves, the territory left fallow. In the fourth century the Amphictyons made war on the Phocidians also who had seized the treasury of Delphi, and on the people of Amphissa who had tilled a field dedicated to Apollo.
Still it is not necessary to believe that the a.s.sembly of the Amphictyons ever resembled a Greek senate. It was concerned only with the temple of Apollo, not at all with political affairs. It did not even prevent members of the Amphictyony fighting one another. The oracle and the Amphictyony of Delphi were more potent than the other oracles and the other amphictyonies; but they never united the Greeks into a single nation.
[51] See the account of the traveller Pausanias.
[52] ”There are,” says Hesiod, ”30,000 G.o.ds on the fruitful earth.”
[53] Greek scholars formed a select society of twelve G.o.ds and G.o.ddesses, but their choice was arbitrary, and all did not agree on the same series. The Greeks of different countries and of different epochs often represented the same G.o.d under different forms. Further, the majority of the G.o.ds seem to us to have vague and undetermined attributes; this is because they were not the same everywhere.
[54] Iliad, viii., 18.
[55] In the dialogue ”Eutyphron.”
[56] Taine, ”Philosophy of Art.”
[57] Herodotus, vi., 27
[58] Xenophon, ”Anabasis,” iii, 2.
[59] This idea gained currency only in the later periods of Grecian history.--ED.
[60] There were similar amphictyonies at Delos, Calauria, and Onchestus.
[61] The special charge against Cirrha was the levying of toll on pilgrims coming to Delphi.--ED.