Part 22 (1/2)
”He knew he could hurt me more by making my brother a tortoise than by making me one,” she explained, and looked at him anxiously.
This was a new idea to Charming, who had two brothers of his own; and he looked at her in some surprise.
”Oh, what does it matter _why_ he did it?” she cried, as he was about to speak. ”Why do giants do things? _I_ don't know.”
”Princess,” said Charming remorsefully, and kissed her hand, ”tell me how I can help you.”
”My brother,” said Beauty, ”was to have met me here. He is late again.”
She sighed and added, ”He used to be _so_ punctual.”
”But how can I help him?” asked Charming.
”It is like this. The only way in which the enchantment can be taken off him is for some one to kill the Giant. But, if once the enchantment has stayed on for seven years, then it stays on for ever.”
Here she looked down and burst into tears.
”The seven years,” she sobbed, ”are over at sundown this afternoon.”
”I see,” said Charming thoughtfully.
”Here is my brother,” cried Beauty.
An enormous tortoise came slowly into view. Beauty rushed up to him and, having explained the situation rapidly, made the necessary introduction.
”Charmed,” said the tortoise. ”You can't miss the castle; it's the only one near here, and Blunderbus is sure to be at home. I need not tell you how grateful I shall be if you kill him. Though I must say,” he added, ”it puzzles me to think how you are going to do it.”
”I have a friend who will help me,” said Charming, fingering his ring.
”Well, I only hope you'll be luckier than the others.”
”The others?” cried Charming in surprise.
”Yes; didn't she tell you about the others who tried?”
”I forgot to,” said Beauty, frowning at him.
”Ah, well, perhaps in that case we'd better not go into it now,” said the Tortoise. ”But before you start I should like to talk to you privately for a moment.” He took Charming on one side and whispered, ”I say, do _you_ know anything about tortoises?”
”Very little,” said Charming. ”In fact----”
”Then you don't happen to know what they eat?”
”I'm afraid I don't.”
”Dash it, why doesn't _anybody_ know? The others all made the most ridiculous suggestions. Steak and kidney puddings--shrimp sandwiches--and b.u.t.tered toast. Dear me! The nights we had after the shrimp sandwiches! And the fool swore he had kept tortoises all his life!”
”If I may say so,” said Charming, ”I should have thought that _you_ would have known best.”
”The same silly idea they all have,” said the Tortoise testily. ”When Blunderbus put this enchantment on me, do you suppose he got a blackboard and a piece of chalk and gave me a lecture on the diet and habits of the common tortoise, before showing me out of the front gate?