Part 17 (1/2)
”Why, is he so big?” jocularly.
”There's six foot five-and-a-half of him.”
”Whew! And thin as a lathe, I suppose; a sort of animated telegraph pole.”
”No; broad in proportion, cut to measure absolutely.”
”Then he is a fine fellow,” with conviction.
Lorraine felt a swift glow of pride, and then inwardly admonished herself for being silly. What, after all, was size? As Hal had trenchantly remarked, plenty of London policemen were just as big and fine. Half in self-defence she added:
”He has brains as well, and he is as handsome as Apollo.”
”Then run,” was the laconic response; ”don't stop to buy a ticket; pay the other end.”
She smiled, but grew suddenly serious. Leaning forward with eyes straining hard to the horizon, she said: ”Flip, I've had a hard life, in spite of the success. Shall I run?... or... shall I stay, and s.n.a.t.c.h joy, while there is still time?”
He looked at her with a growing interest.
”If I were you I should run,” he said; ”but, all the same, I think you'll stay.”
”No; I don't think I shall. There are other reasons. He is a good deal younger than I - and - well, I've a fair amount on my soul already.”
The tired shadow was coming back to her eyes, but she laughed suddenly with an attempt at gaiety.
”You ought to have heard Hal Pritchard on the subject. She remarked there were plenty of London policemen just as big, and suggested if I wanted a fine young animal to play with, I should be safer with a polar bear from the Zoo.”
”Well done, Hal. We ought to have brought her. Where is she to-day?”
”Careering across England in a haphazard fas.h.i.+on with her cousin d.i.c.k Bruce. Do you mind turning towards home now? I'm dinning out, and have some letters to write.”
”Who's the happy man to-night? ... I thought of course I was to have the whole day.”
”With a view to getting wholesomely bored! No, Flip, I don't propose to let you find that way out just yet.”
”I should have found it for myself long ago if it were possible. As it is, I have grown resigned, and accept what crumbs fall to my portion.”
He paused a moment and then asked, ”Is it Goliath to-night?”
”It is.”
”Rash woman; and just when I have advised you to run.”
”But it is not in the least serious yet. I only asked you in view of it becoming so.”
”Which means you will try and start to run, _after_ you are firmly in the trap.”
”Not at all. I won't go near the trap. I'll tell him I'm old enough to be his mother, and talk down to him from years of detestable common sense and sagacity.”