Chapter 296: Moss Green Water Cavern (1/2)
Cheng Yu face turned red after being looked down by Tian Xing for the first time.
What he had said made sense. God water was supposed to be something very uncommon and sacred. Only this would make the god water more precious.
Is the water in this lake really just some ordinary water? But how was it explanatory for what happened to the fish? In addition, there was a strong life force being emitted out from it.
“Cough cough!” Cheng Yu squatted beside the lake as he stared at the fishes in thought before he got woken up by Tian Xing’s coughing sounds.
“Oi. Have you thought of any better idea? Else, I’m going to feed him a recovery pill.” Seeing Tian Xing was coughing due to his injury, Tian Xue got more anxious.
Whoosh! Cheng Yu sucked in another fish to his hand. Without further ado, he smashed it onto the ground again.
Tian Xing looked at the dying fish in a tremble. He felt that the fish was just like him. The thoughts of him roasting the fish immediately disappeared and was replaced with sympathy.
At that very moment, he felt that the fish was a fellow sufferer together with him because they had all became Cheng Yu’s experiment rat.
Cheng Yu held onto the dying fish on hand before throwing it into the ladle. Unexpectedly, this fish vitality didn’t return but continued gasping for its last breath.
Before the 2 of them spoke, Cheng Yu threw it back into the lake. Surprisingly, the fish was packed with vitality again as it swam around the lake ferociously.
“Why…… Why is it like this?” Tian Xue duo was stunned.
“Not sure. Tian Xing, you wanna try drinking the water directly from the lake?” Cheng Yu was also baffled. What he knew was that the water he scooped up to the ladle was no longer effective.
However, after experimenting, it seemed like there were some secrets hidden within this lake.
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Gulu Gulu! Tian Xue supported Tian Xing over to the lake.
“Eh? There’s an effect! So comfortable! This water is really effective! I feel that the injuries are recovering by itself!” Tian Xing sat down and sensed his body before crying out in surprise.
“How come it’s like that?” Tian Xue was puzzled.
“Seems like there’s a treasure hidden inside this lake that is able to recover one’s vitality!” Cheng Yu squatted beside the river as he analyzed.
“Able to recover one’s vitality? So that’s to say this isn’t the god water?” Tian Xue was not interested in the treasure. She only wished to locate the god water as soon as possible.
“You have not seen god water before. How would you know if the god water itself is so miraculous or was it because of a treasure that turned it so miraculous?” Cheng Yu voiced out his dis-approvement.
No one had seen the god water before. The information they knew of was all rumors. No one knew if the god water were formed from a treasure or not.
At least to Cheng Yu, regardless of it being the god water or a treasure, they were both the same.
“You’re trying to says this treasure can fabricate the god water?” Tian Xue was unconvinced.
“Whether is god water or not, I am not sure. I only know that this thing can save a person life. Isn’t this a good example? Perhaps…… do you feel that the injuries he received aren’t as serious as your mother?” Cheng Yu pointed at Tian Xing.
“Hello! Can you both not look at me like this? Don’t tell me you want me to receive another palm of his?! If so, you might as well kill me!” Seeing both of them staring at him, Tian Xing felt an uneasiness building up in him.
“What are you afraid of? Didn’t your senior sister say the god water can also revive a person from death? How about trying it?” Cheng Yu laughed.
“No! Senior sister, save me! This method is not acceptable! Look at that dead fish over there!” When Tian Xing saw Cheng Yu walking towards him, he quickly pointed at the dead fish floating above the lake as he went to hide behind Tian Xue.
“Enough! Stop playing around. Didn’t you say that there’s a treasure in it? If it can really fabricate out the god water, I must bring it back with me.” Tian Xue wasn’t in the mood to joke around with them.
“Impossible. It’s impossible for me to give you such a precious treasure!” Cheng Yu replied.
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If Cheng Yu’s speculation were true, this was the spot which the heavenly tree was planted. Cheng Yu still wanted to search for the secret behind the destruction of the forest city. It was impossible for him to give away such an important thing to others.
“What? You aren’t injured. Why would you need it for?” Tian Xue questioned.
“Isn’t it very normal to reject when it comes to such a miraculous object? It’s not like you don’t know, countless of people want me dead. With it around, I’m like an undying. Therefore, I must keep this treasure with me. At most, I will personally head over to your sect to save your mother later on.” Cheng Yu spoke.
He did not wish to let them know what happened in these palaces. Besides, he had also yet to fully understand the destruction behind it. If the treasure was truly that miraculous, it was equivalent to granting Cheng Yu an undying body. Thus, regardless of whatever reason, it was impossible for him to gift this out to anyone else.
“Hmph!” Tian Xue didn’t reply. Previously, she didn’t know the god water was truly so miraculous and thought that it would just be a jar of water.