Part 28 (1/2)

All at once he became aware that some one was speaking to him.

”How's your red-headed friend this morning?”

Dan glanced up quickly, to find himself face to face with Bill Kester.

He eyed the bully with a steady gaze.

”Don't want to speak to me, eh?”

”No. I shall be very much obliged if you will keep away from me. If you don't, I am afraid I shall forget myself.”

Kester laughed long and loud.

”Forget yourself! Ho, ho, ho! That's a joke-the funniest thing I ever heard. You think you can bluff Bill Kester, do you?”

”I never bluff.”

”You'd better not.”

Dan clenched his fists, but started to move away. He dared trust himself no further, for his wrath was rising to the danger point, yet there was nothing in his calm manner to indicate that such was the case.

Kester stepped in front of him.

”See here, you landlubber, them high and mighty airs don't go down with me, and you'll find they don't. You've got a few things to learn on s.h.i.+pboard--”

”I shall have to find some one else to teach me, if I have,” retorted Dan sharply.

By this time other eyes had been attracted to them.

”I reckon Bill is trying to pick a row with Davis,” said one.

”Let them go. It will do the boy good to get a tr.i.m.m.i.n.g.”

Kester's eyes narrowed.

”Oh, you will, eh?”

”That is what I said. Do you wish me to repeat it? I will do so, if your hearing is not good.”

”I said, how's your red-headed friend this morning?” growled the bully, his chin protruding pugnaciously.

”Ask the master-at-arms if you wish to know. I am not obliged to answer your questions. There is no use in trying to be courteous with you. You wouldn't understand it at all.”

”You take that back, or--”

”Look here, Kester,” hinted Dan, a new light appearing in his eyes.

”Red-head, as you call him, may be easy, but don't monkey with DYNAMITE.

That's all I've got to say to you.”

”You throw it at me, do you? What you need is a good licking, and that's what you're going to get. I'll run both you landlubbers out of the service. I'll trim your jib right now and make the job complete.”