Part 1 (2/2)
”Just Prussian bluff,” growled Tom. ”They think it will brace up Fritz, and that we'll think it's all over but the shouting and lighting out for home.”
”They'll have to take those uniforms to the tailors when we get through with them,” muttered Billy, as he took a tighter grasp on the stock of his rifle.
”They'll do well enough for shrouds,” added Frank grimly.
The advancing troops were now not more than a hundred yards away, and though their losses had been severe there were so many left that it was evident it would come to a hand-to-hand fight. The enemy cannon had torn big rents in the barbed wire entanglements that stretched before the American position so that it would be possible to get through.
Now the American machine guns began sputtering, and their shrill treble blended with the deep ba.s.s of the heavier field guns. A moment more, and from the rifles of the American infantry a withering blast of flame sprang out and the enemy went down in heaps.
There were signs of confusion in the German ranks and the American commander gave the signal to charge.
Out from their shallow trenches leaped the Army Boys, the light of battle in their eyes, and fell like an avalanche upon the advancing hosts.
In an instant there was a welter of fearful fighting. The force of the enemy had been largely spent by their march over that field of death, while the Americans were fresh and their vigor unimpaired.
For a brief s.p.a.ce the Germans were pressed back, but they had concentrated their forces on that section of the line so that they outnumbered the Americans by two or three to one, and little by little, by sheer weight, they pressed their opponents back. And behind those immediately engaged, fresh forces could be seen emerging from the woods and coming to the help of their comrades.
But Americans never show to such advantage as when they are fighting against odds, and the battle line swayed back and forth, first one and then the other side seeming to have a temporary advantage.
Frank and his comrades were in the very thick of the fight, shooting, stabbing, using now the bayonet and again the b.u.t.ts of their rifles as the occasion demanded. There was a red mist before their eyes and their blood was pounding in their veins and drumming in their ears from their tremendous exertions.
Slowly but surely, the fierce determination of the Americans began to tell. The solid enemy front was broken up into groups, and the gaps grew wider and wider as their men were pushed back further and further over the ground that lay between the lines. In the center the Americans were winning.
But suddenly a new danger threatened. A fresh body of German troops had worked its way to a position where it could attack the American right flank, which was but thinly held because for the time being the bulk of the forces were engaged in pressing the advantage gained at the center. If the enemy could turn that flank and throw it back in confusion on the main body, it might lead to serious disaster.
At the point where Frank and his comrades were fighting, there was a nest of machine guns that commanded the s.p.a.ce over which the new enemy forces were bearing down on the threatened flank. Several of the gun crews had fallen, and the guns were temporarily unserved.
There was no time to wait for orders. Another minute and the guns would be in the enemy's hands.
”Quick, Bart! Come along, Billy and Tom!” shouted Frank, as he rushed toward the guns.
His chums were on his heels in an instant. Quick as a flash, the guns were aimed, and streams of bullets cut the front ranks of the attacking force to ribbons. Volley after volley followed, until the guns were so hot that the hands of the young soldiers were blistered.
But the hardest part of their work was done, for now fresh guns had been brought into position and the flank was strengthened beyond the power of the enemy to break. Frank's quick thought and instant action had averted what might have been a calamity that would have decided the fortune of the day.
”Good work, old man!” panted Bart, when in a momentary lull he could gain breath enough to speak.
”Yours as well as mine!” gasped Frank, as he dashed the perspiration from his forehead. ”If you fellows hadn't been right on the job, I couldn't have done anything worth while.”
Regular crews had now been a.s.signed to take their places, and resuming their positions in the ranks the young soldiers plunged once more into the hand-to-hand work at which they were masters.
The issue was no longer in doubt. The scale had turned against the Germans and they were retreating. But they went back stubbornly, giving ground only inch by inch, and in certain scattered groups the fighting was as furious as ever.
As far as might be, they kept together, but as the swirl of the battle tore them apart, Tom and Billy were lost sight of by Bart and Frank, who were laying about them right and left among the enemy.
A sharp exclamation from Bart caused Frank to turn his eyes toward him for a second.
”Hurt, Bart?” he queried anxiously.