Part 50 (1/2)

Sadler, J. Wakeham, W. Adkins, G. Wareing, D. Evans, H. Sperry and W.


2nd. Of the High Council, Elders W. Eddington, J. L. Blythe, C. V.

Spencer, W. H. Folsom, T. E. Jeremy, J. Squires, P. Nebeker and G. W.


3rd. Of the Presidency of the Salt Lake Stake of Zion, Elders D.

Spencer and G. B. Wallace.

4th. Of the Presidency of the Seventies, Elders Joseph Young, L. W.

Hanc.o.c.k, A. P. Rockwood, H. S. Eldredge and J. Van Cott.

5th. The Presidency of the High Priests, Elders John Young, S. W.

Richards and E. D. Woolley.

6th. Presiding Bishop E. Hunter and his Counselors, L. W. Hardy and J.

C. Little.

7th. Of the Twelve Apostles, Elders Orson Pratt, John Taylor, Wilford Woodruff, Geo. A. Smith, Ezra T. Benson, Lorenzo Snow, Geo. Q. Cannon and Joseph F. Smith.

8th. President Brigham Young and Counselor Daniel H. Wells.

9th. The corpse, in a neat coffin wrapped in black broadcloth and deeply fringed with white cashmere and black lace, borne by twelve pall-bearers, namely, Elders R. T. Burton, T. McKean, G. W. Grant, L.

S. Hills, B. Y. Hampton, W. Calder, H. Heath, A. Dewey, H. S. Beatie, H. P. Richards, H. Dinwoodey, and John T. Caine.

Immediately following the remains walked the three eldest sons of President Kimball, namely, William H., Heber P., and David P., succeeded by his wives, the elder sons and daughters, the younger sons and daughters, and many other relatives in the rear. The families of Presidents Young and Wells in carriages, and a number of the most prominent citizens on foot, terminated the procession.

To the solemn strains of the ”Dead March in Saul,” from Captain Croxall's band, the cortege, pa.s.sing down East, North and West Temple Streets, successively, to the west gate of Temple Block, entered the Tabernacle at door No. 32, north side, and occupied reserved seats in front of the stand. The casket with the remains was deposited on a draped bier raised from the middle aisle. Seven elegant vases of roses and other beautiful flowers were placed upon the coffin. During the services a bird flew into the building and, alighting on the coffin, remained for several minutes.

In consonance with the solemnity of the scene, the interior of the Tabernacle was draped in mourning.

The a.s.semblage was called to order by President Brigham Young.

The choir then sang the following hymn, composed for the occasion by Sister Eliza R. Snow:

Be cheer'd, O Zion--cease to weep: Heber we deeply loved: He is not dead--he does not sleep-- He lives with those above.

His flesh was weary; let it rest Entombed in mother Earth, Till Jesus comes--when all the bless'd, To life will be brought forth.

His mighty spirit, pure and free From every bond of Earth, In realms of immortality, Is crowned with spotless worth.

He lives for Zion:--he has gone To plead her righteous cause, Before the High and Holy One-- Let all the Saints rejoice.

Let wives and children humbly kiss The deep-afflicting rod: A father to the fatherless, G.o.d is the widow's G.o.d.

Elder George Q. Cannon offered the opening prayer.

The choir sang ”Farewell all earthly honors,” with the chorus ”There is sweet rest in heaven,” and remarks were then made as follows, by the speakers named: