Part 27 (2/2)

”No; not at all,” answered the Presbyterian. ”What denomination do you belong to?”

”To the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints,” Heber replied.

”Oh, I have heard of them,” exclaimed the Presbyterian quickly, his countenance and whole manner changing. ”They are a bad people; they have done much hurt; they divide churches; we don't want to hear you.”

He then mounted the chair again and said to the people:

”I have just heard that the last man who spoke belongs to the Latter-day Saints.” And then he began to rail against the Apostles and their faith.

After he had thus vented himself, Elder Kimball mildly inquired:

”Will you let me step into the chair to give out an appointment for a 3 o'clock meeting?”

But the minister angrily refused, whereupon Heber raised his voice and informed the people that some American preachers would preach there at 3 o'clock.

A vast congregation a.s.sembled at the appointed hour to hear them, the conduct of the Presbyterian and the excitement of the morning having helped to increase it materially.

Elder Wilford Woodruff was the first preacher. After singing and prayer, he read from the first chapter of Paul's Epistle to the Galatians, the 8th and 9th. verses:

”But though we, or an angel from heaven, preach any other Gospel unto you than that which we have preached unto you, let him be accursed.

”As we said before, so say I now again, if any man preach any other Gospel unto you than that ye have received, let him be accursed.”

A direct thrust at apostate Christendom, with its mult.i.tudinous variety of ”other gospels,” all differing from each other and from the great original.

Brother Woodruff did not fail that day to hold them up a gla.s.s wherein they might see the ”inmost parts” of Paul's dread meaning, made applicable in words of telling force to the Christian denominations of that great city.

Then came Heber C. Kimball with his sledge-hammer blows of testimony, driving home the truth of the Apostle's words, as with a mallet of mighty power. He told them of the great apostasy that had taken place since the days of Paul, and of the restoration of the Gospel in the latter days, closing with an earnest testimony to the divine mission of Joseph Smith, the great Prophet whom G.o.d had raised up in the land of America.

The people gave good attention and seemed much interested in what they had heard.

After the meeting Mr. Corner, the person already noticed, invited the three Apostles home to his house; so, withdrawing from the crowd, they went to 52 Ironmonger Row, St Luke's Parish.

But Heber was not yet satisfied. The inward monitor which he knew never erred told him that his day's labor was not accomplished. Scarce knowing why, but surrendering himself to the dictates of the Spirit, he retraced his steps and wended his way alone back to Tabernacle Square, leaving Elders Woodruff and Smith at ”Father Corner's,”

conversing on the things of the Kingdom.

The crowd had not yet dispersed from the Square, but stood in groups here and there, discussing eagerly the events of the day, and the strange things told them by the American preachers. As Heber approached he was immediately recognized--and, indeed, his was a presence, once seen, not easily to be forgotten--and the surprised and pleased mult.i.tude, thronging round him, besought him to speak to them again.

He willingly complied and addressed them long and earnestly. More powerful than ever was his testimony. He was alone, but the Spirit was with him, and with the Spirit Heber C. Kimball was a host.

Breathlessly they listened, and at the close several men whom he had never seen until that afternoon, came forward and invited him home to their houses.

The ice was broken. His testimony had prevailed. The good seed sown by the wayside had taken root, as it were, in the very crevices of the stony pavements of the world's metropolis.


