Part 8 (1/2)

”This appointment is calculated to create an affection in you, for each other, stronger than death. You will travel to other nations.

Bear each other in mind. If one or more is cast into prison, let the others pray for him and deliver him by their prayers.

”Your lives shall be in great jeopardy, but the promise of G.o.d is that you shall be delivered. Remember you are not to go to other nations till you receive your endowment. Tarry at Kirtland until you are endowed with power from on high. You need a fountain of wisdom, knowledge and intelligence such as you never had. Relative to the endowment, I make a remark or two, that there be no mistake. The world cannot receive the things of G.o.d. He can endow you without worldly pomp or great parade. He can give you that wisdom, that intelligence and that power which characterized the ancient Saints and now characterizes the inhabitants of the upper world. The greatness of your commission consists in this; you are to hold the keys of this ministry. You are to go to the nations afar off; nations that sit in darkness. The day is coming when the work of G.o.d must be done. Israel shall be gathered. The seed of Jacob shall be gathered from their long dispersion. There will be a feast to Israel the elect of G.o.d. It is a sorrowful tale, but the Gospel must be preached and His (G.o.d's) ministers be rejected, but where can Israel be found, and receive your testimony and not rejoice? Nowhere. The prophecies are full of great things that are to take place in the last days. After the elect is gathered out, destruction shall come on the inhabitants of the earth. All nations shall feel the wrath of G.o.d after they have been warned by the Saints of the Most High. If you will not warn them others will and you will lose your crowns. You must prepare your minds to bid a long farewell to Kirtland, even till the great day come. You will see what you never expected to see. You will need the mind of Enoch or Elijah and the faith of the brother of Jared. You must be prepared to walk by faith, however appalling the prospect to human view. You, and each of you should feel the force of the imperious mandate. Son, go labor in my vineyard, and cheerfully receive what comes, but in the end you will stand while others will fall. You have read in the revelation concerning ordination. Beware how you ordain, for all nations are not like this nation. They will willingly receive the ordinances at your hand to put you out of the way. There will be times, when nothing but the angels of G.o.d can deliver you out of their hand. We appeal to your intelligence, we appeal to your understanding, that we have so far discharged our duty to you. We consider it one of the greatest condescensions of our Heavenly Father in pointing you out to us. You will be stewards over this ministry.

”We have work to do that no other men can do. You must proclaim the Gospel in its simplicity and purity, and we commend you to G.o.d and the word of His grace. You have our best wishes, you have our most fervent prayers that you may be able to bear this testimony, that you have seen the face of G.o.d. Therefore call upon Him in faith and mighty prayer till you prevail, for it is your duty and your privilege to bear such testimony for yourselves. We now expect you to be faithful, to fulfill your calling, there must be no lack here. You must fulfill in all things, and permit us to repeat, all nations have a claim on you. You are bound together as the three witnesses were, you, notwithstanding can part and meet and meet and part again till your heads are silvered o'er with age.”

He then took them separately by the hand and said: ”Do you with full purpose of heart take part in this ministry, to proclaim the Gospel with all diligence with those your brethren, according to the tenor and intent of the charge you have received.” Each of them answered in the affirmative.

Thus were chosen the first Twelve Apostles of the last dispensation.

The first quorum of Seventies, their co-laborers in the ministry, was called into existence about the same time, its members being selected, as the Twelve had been, from the survivors of Zion's Camp, whose faith and integrity had been tried and proven.

The Apostles a.s.sembled from time to time to receive instructions from the Prophet, and strengthen each other in the Lord. One evening when they had met together for this purpose, the grand revelation on Priesthood (now forming the first half of Section 107 of the book of Doctrine and Covenants) was given.

Sunday, April 5th, 1835. Says Heber: ”The Twelve had not all, as yet, been together, and as the time drew near that we should travel to the east, we appointed this day to bear our testimony unto our brethren and friends. We were all a.s.sembled together with the exception of Brother Orson Pratt, who had not yet been with us. We proceeded to speak according to our ages, the oldest speaking first. This day Brothers Thomas B. Marsh, David W. Patten, Brigham Young and Heber C.

Kimball spoke. Sunday, 12th, Brothers Orson Hyde, William E. McLellin, Parley P. Pratt, and Luke S. Johnson spoke. Sunday, 19th, Brothers William Smith, John F. Boynton and Lyman E. Johnson spoke, closing the testimony of the Twelve Apostles to the people in Kirtland at that time. Sunday, 26th, Brother Orson Pratt entered the house while we were opening the meeting and praying and wis.h.i.+ng for his arrival. He was ordained an apostle, and we received our charge from Joseph Smith, the Prophet.”

The eldest of the Apostles, Thos. B. Marsh, thus became president of the quorum; though the Twelve were all equal in authority. This order was agreeable to the will of Heaven.



The Apostles started on their first mission, May 4th, 1835. They traveled through the eastern states and Upper Canada, preaching, baptizing, setting in order the branches of the Church, counseling the Saints to gather westward, and collecting means for the purchase of lands in Missouri and the completion of the Lord's House in Kirtland.

Like the Apostles anciently, they went forth two by two, traveling ”without purse or scrip,” and preaching by the way. Heber's first companion was William Smith, brother to the Prophet.

Separating at Dunkirk, New York, on the 5th of May, the Apostles met in conference on the 9th, at Westfield, Chautauqua County. Here they sat in council upon the first case brought before them for adjudication. A local traveling Elder named Joseph Rose had been teaching erroneous doctrine and perverting the word of G.o.d, in that he spiritualized the literal promise of the Savior; that before His second coming the sun should be darkened and the moon turned to blood.

Rose a.s.serted that the Jewish church was the sun, darkened, and the Gentile church, the moon, which should be turned to blood. He was shown his error and reproved sharply, whereupon he humbly acknowledged his fault.

At Mendon, his former home, Heber and his companion, Elder Orson Hyde, were confronted by a Baptist priest named Fulton, who withstood them harshly. Says Heber: ”He called us false prophets, and, rejecting our testimony, advised us to go home. We declared unto him that we should go forth preaching the Gospel, and no power should stay us. I told him if he did not repent of his sins and be baptized for the remission of them, he would be d.a.m.ned; which made him angry. We then pa.s.sed on until we came to a pure stream of water, and there cleansed our feet, bearing testimony against him, as the Lord commanded.”

At the Lyonstown conference, on the 6th of June, it was Heber's turn to preside; the Twelve having been instructed by the Prophet to preside in turn at their meetings according to their ages. From here Elder Kimball traveled in company with Elder Luke Johnson towards Pillowpoint, the place of the next conference. In the town of Rose they were cordially received, but in Hewton were turned away from twelve houses, where they had solicited entertainment. At midnight they put up at an inn, retiring supperless to bed, as they had but one s.h.i.+lling with which to pay for their lodging. A walk of six miles before breakfast next morning brought them to Esquire David Ellsworth's where they were warmly welcomed and hospitably entertained. The Apostles blessed the kind souls who thus administered to their wants, and who, on bidding them farewell, gave them money, wished them G.o.d-speed and wept at their departure. About one year later the whole family embraced the Gospel.

At Pillowpoint, Jefferson County, a conference was held on the 19th of June. Here the council tried John Elmer, a member of the Church, for holding views and doctrines opposed to the principles of truth. ”When called upon, he stated that he had had many visions and revelations, and that the Lord had revealed to him of a certainty that He would make His second appearance within fifteen years; also that the Spirit of G.o.d often came upon him and threw him down, and caused him to disfigure himself, or die the death of the righteous, or of the wicked, and then come to life again in the presence of others, to convince them that he was a man of G.o.d and had great power. He also stated that in one of his visions the Lord Jesus appeared personally and laid His hands upon him and sanctified him, both soul and body, and that he was now immortal or changed, so that he would never die.

He stated that he could hold red-hot iron or live coals of fire in his hands without receiving any injury; together with other curious notions and vagaries, ascribing them all to the power of G.o.d; and that he never would deny them, although the Council and whole Church should decide against him. The Council endeavored to show him that he was deceived by the adversary, but to no effect. He said he would rather be expelled from the Church than give up any of his views or say they were not of G.o.d. Consequently the Church lifted their hands against him.”

While at Sackett's Harbor, Heber received a letter from his wife, apprising him of the birth of his son, Heber P., at Kirtland, on the 1st of June. His joy found vent in a characteristic burst of humor. He propounded the following riddle to the brethren: ”I have three children now, and have not seen one of them.” This was quite a puzzle to them, until he explained that the _one_ he referred to was the infant born since he left home.

He next visited his native state, Vermont, and remained several days among the scenes of his childhood, visiting and preaching to his relatives and acquaintances, and wherever opportunity arose. Some believed, but did not obey the Gospel. A false prophet named Davison had gone through the country some time before, deceiving the people with pretended miracles. They were therefore prejudiced against the true faith, with its new and strange promises of spiritual gifts and blessings.

Crossing over the Green Mountains, taking a bypath through a lonely and densely timbered wilderness, his only companions the wild animals and screech-owls inhabiting those solitudes, he arrived at St.

Johnsbury, and met in council with his brethren on the 17th of July.

They held their meetings in a large barn belonging to a Mr. Snow. It was in this neighborhood that the Snow, Farr, Badger and Bingham families embraced the Gospel. Apostle Erastus Snow was born at St.

Johnsbury, November 9th, 1818.