Part 7 (1/2)

Fanny Fitz-Greene Halleck 19470K 2022-07-22


She was among the first and warmest patrons Of Griscom's _conversaziones_ where In rainbow groups, our bright-eyed maids and matrons, On science bent, a.s.semble; to prepare Themselves for acting well, in life, their part As wives and mothers. There she learn'd by heart


Words, to the witches in Macbeth unknown.

_Hydraulics_, _hydrostatics_, and _pneumatics_, _Dioptrics_, _optics_, _katoptrics_, _carbon_, _Chlorine_, and _iodine_, and _aerostatics_; Also,--why frogs, for want of air, expire; And how to set the Tappan sea on fire!


In all the modern languages she was Exceedingly well versed; and had devoted, To their attainment, far more time than has, By the best teachers lately, been allotted; For she had taken lessons, twice a week, For a full month in each; and she could speak


French and Italian, equally as well As Chinese, Portuguese, or German; and, What is still more surprising, she could spell Most of our longest English words off hand; Was quite familiar in Low Dutch and Spanish, And thought of studying modern Greek and Danish.


She sang divinely: and in ”Love's young dream,”

And ”f.a.n.n.y dearest,” and ”The soldier's bride;”

And every song, whose dear delightful theme, Is ”Love, still love,” had oft till midnight tried Her finest, loftiest ”pigeon-wings” of sound, Waking the very watchmen far around.


For her pure taste in dress, I can appeal to Madame Bouquet, and Monsieur Pardessus; She was, in short, a woman you might kneel to, If kneeling were in fas.h.i.+on; or if you Were wearied of your duns and single life, And wanted a few thousands and a wife.




”There was a sound of revelry by night;”

Broadway was throng'd with coaches, and within A mansion of the best of brick, the bright And eloquent eyes of beauty bade begin The dance; and music's tones swell'd wild and high, And hearts and heels kept tune in tremulous ecstasy.


For many a week, the note of preparation Had sounded through all circles far and near; And some five hundred cards of invitation Bade beau and belle in full costume appear; There was a most magnificent variety, All quite select, and of the first society.