Part 102 (1/2)
”What are you going to be when you're a man?” asked grandpa. ”An engineer, a lawyer?”
”Pooh! I'm going to be a king, and wear a gold crown!”
A glowing March sunset made the tops of the elms, red with flower before the leaf, show clear against the sky. ”They look like red seaweed dipped in water,” he said.
Such were some of the short and disconnected jottings in mamma's prayer-book: mere jottings, but well she could see the scene in her mind when the words were said. Latest of all, the second visit to the seaside, where, after rioting on the sands and hurling pebbles in the summer waves, suddenly he stopped, looked up at her and said, ”O! wasn't it a good thing the sea was made!” It was indeed.
Every one being so much in the field, mamma was left alone, and wearying of it, asked Frances to come up frequently to her: Frances was willing enough to do so, especially as she could talk unreservedly of Big Jack, so that it was a pleasure to her to come. At last, on the Friday, as Bevis did not write again, his mother proposed that they should drive up to Jack's, and see how the boys were on the morrow. Frances was discreetly delighted: Jack could not come down to see her just now, and with Bevis's mother she could go up and see him with propriety. So it was agreed that the dog-cart should be ready early on afternoon. Charlie learned something of this--he played in and out the place, and waved his cap thrice as a warning.
Now, in the kitchen on Friday evening there was a curious talk of Bevis and Mark. Had it not been for the harvest something would have crept out about them among the cottagers. Such inveterate gossipers would have sniffed out something, some one would have supposed this, another would have said they were not at Big Jack's, a third might have caught a glimpse of them when on the mainland. But the harvest filled their hands with work, sealed their eyes, and shut their mouths. An earthquake would hardly disturb the reapers. So soon as they had completed the day's work they fell asleep. Pan's nocturnal rambles would have been noticed had it not been for this, though he might have come down from Jack's.
However, as it chanced, not a word was said till the Friday evening, when there came into the kitchen a labouring man, sent by his master to have some talk with the Bailiff respecting a proposed bargain. Every evening the Bailiff took his quart in the kitchen, and though it was summer always in the same corner by the hearth. He had no home, an old and much-crusted bachelor: he had a dim craving for company, and he liked to sit there and sip while Polly worked round briskly.
A deal of gossip was got through in that kitchen. Men came in and out, they lingered on the door-step with their fingers on the latch just to add one more remark. That evening when the bargain, a minor matter, had been discussed, this man, with much roundabout preliminary solemnly declared that as he had been working up in Rushland's field (about half a mile from the New Sea), he had distinctly heard Bevis and Mark talking to each other, and it seemed to him that the sound came over the water.
Sometimes he said he could hear folk talk at a great distance, four or five times as far off as most could, and had frequently told people what they had been conversing about when they had been a mile or more away.
He could not hear like this always, but once now and then, and he was quite sure that he had heard Master Bevis and Master Mark talking something about shooting, and that the sound came from over the water.
He did not believe they were at Jack's, there was ”summat” (something) very curious about it.
The Bailiff and Polly and the visitor turned this over and over, and gossiped, and discussed it for some time, till the man had to go. They never for a moment doubted the perfect truth of what he had stated.
Half-educated people are always ready to believe the marvellous, nor was there anything so unusual in this claim to a second sight of hearing, so to say. Once now and then, in the country, you meet with people who lay serious claim to possess the power, and most astonis.h.i.+ng instances are related of it.
Whether being so much in the open air sharpens the senses, whether the sound actually did travel over the water, it is not possible to say, or whether some little suspicion of the real facts had got out, and this fellow cunningly devised his story knowing that sooner or later confirmation of his wonderful powers of hearing would be derived in the discovery of what Bevis had been doing. The only persons who could tell were John Young and Loo: the one was spell-bound by the bribe he knew he should obtain, Loo was much too eager to share the game to breathe a word. Poachers, however, get about at odd hours in odd places, and see things they are not meant to.
Still in the country the belief lingers that here and there a person does possess the power, and the story so worked upon the Bailiff and Polly, that at last Polly ventured in to tell her mistress. Her mistress at once dismissed it as ridiculous. She was too well educated to dream dreams. Yet when she retired, do you know! she sat a little while and thought about it, so contagious is superst.i.tion. In the morning she sent down to Frances to come an hour earlier--she wanted to see Bevis.
Frances came, and the dog-cart was at the door when Loo (who had been sent on an errand to the town--a common thing on Sat.u.r.days) rushed up to the door, thrust a letter into mamma's hand, and darted away.
”Why!” said she. ”It's Bevis--why!” she read aloud, Frances looking over her shoulder:--”Dear Mamma, Please come up to the place where the boats are kept directly you get this and mind you come this very minute,” (twice dashed). ”We are coming home from New Formosa in our s.h.i.+p the Calypso, and want you to be there to see the things we have brought you, and to hear all about it. Mind and be sure and come this very minute, please.”
Wondering and excited with curiosity, the two ladies ran as fast as they could up the meadow footpath, and along the bank of the New Sea, till they came to a clear place where the trees did not interfere with the view. Then, a long way up, they saw a singular-looking boat with a black sail.
”There they are!”
”They're coming!”
”What _can_ they have been doing?”
”That is not the Pinta!”
”This has a black sail!”
The sail was black because it was the rug, an old-fas.h.i.+oned one, black one side and grey the other. After long discussion Bevis and Mark had decided that the time had come when they must return from the island, for if Bevis's mother went to Jack's and found they were not there, her anxiety would be terrible, and they could not think of it. So Bevis wrote a letter and sent Loo back with it at once, and she was to watch and see if his mother did as she was asked. If she started for the sh.o.r.e Loo was to raise a signal, a handkerchief they lent her for the purpose.
Some time after Loo went they embarked on the raft, and drifted slowly down before the south wind till they reached the Mozambique, where they stayed the raft's progress with their poles till Loo displayed the signal. The sail was then hoisted, and they bore down right before the wind.
With dark sail booming out the Calypso surged ahead, the mariners saw the two ladies on the sh.o.r.e, and waved their hands and shouted. Bevis steered her into port, and she grounded beside the Pinta. The first caress and astonishment over: ”Where are your hats?” said Frances.
”Where are your collars?” said his mother. ”And gracious, child! just look at his neck!”