Part 52 (1/2)
”Be you going a blacksmithing?”
”Yes--what will do for an anvil?”
”Iron quarter,” said John. ”There's an ould iron in the shed. Shall I take he whoam?” An iron quarter is a square iron weight weighing 28 pounds: it would make a useful anvil. It was agreed that he should do so, and they saw him put the old iron weight, rusty and long disused, up in the cart.
”If you wants anybody to blow the bellers,” said he, ”there's our Loo-- she'll blow for yer. Be you going to ride?”
”No,” said Bevis; ”we'll go across the fields.”
Away they went by the meadow foot-path, a shorter route to the little town, and reached it before John and his cart. At the ironmonger's they examined a number of pipes, iron and bra.s.s tubes. The bra.s.s looked best, and tempted them, but on turning it round they fancied the join showed, and was not perfect, and of course that would not do. Nor did it look so strong as the iron, so they chose the iron, and bought five feet of a stout tube--the best in the shop--with a bore of 5-eighths; and afterwards a bra.s.s rod, which was to form the ramrod. Bra.s.s would not cause a spark in the barrel.
John called for these in due course, and left them at his cottage. The old rogue had his quart, and the promise of a s.h.i.+lling, if the hearth answered for the blacksmithing. In the evening, Mark, well primed as to what he was to ask, casually looked in at the blacksmith's down the hamlet. The blacksmith was not in the least surprised; they were both old frequenters; he was only surprised one or both had not been before.
Mark pulled some of the tools about, lifted the sledge which stood upright, and had left it's mark on the iron ”scale” which lay on the ground an inch deep. Scale consists of minute particles which fly off red-hot iron when it is hammered--the sparks, in fact, which, when they go out, fall, and are found to be metal; like the meteors in the sky, the scale shooting from Vulcan's anvil, which go out and drop on the earth. Mark lifted the sledge, put it down, twisted up the vice, and untwisted it, while Jonas, the smith, stood blowing the bellows with his left hand, and patting the fire on the forge with his little spud of a shovel.
”Find anything you want,” he said presently.
”I'll take this,” said Mark. ”There's sixpence.”
He had chosen a bit of iron rod, short, and thicker than their ramrod.
Bevis had told him what to look for.
”All right, sir--anything else?”
”Well,” said Mark, moving towards the door, ”I don't know,”--then stopping with an admirable a.s.sumption of indifference. ”Suppose you had to stop up one end of a pipe, how should you do it?”
”Make it white-hot,” said the smith. ”Bring it to me.”
”Will white-hot shut tight?”
”Quite tight--it runs together when hit. Bring it to me. I say, where's the punt?” grinning. His white teeth gleamed between his open lips--a row of ivory set in a grimy face.
”The punt's at the bottom,” said Mark, with a louring countenance.
”Nice boys,” said the smith. ”You're very nice boys. If you was mine--” He took up a slender ash plant that was lying on the bench, and made it ply and whistle in the air.
Mark tossed his chin, kicked the door open, and walked off.
”I say!--I say!” shouted the smith. ”Bring it to me.”
”Keep yourself to yourself,” said Mark loftily.
Boys indeed! The smith swore, and it sounded in his broad deep chest like the noise of the draught up the furnace. He was angry with himself--he thought he had lost half-a-crown, at least, by just swis.h.i.+ng the stick up and down. If you want half-a-crown, you must control your feelings.
Mark told Bevis what the smith had said, and they went to work, and the same evening filed off the end of the rod Mark had bought. Bevis's plan was to file this till it almost fitted the tube, but not quite. Then he meant to make the tube red-hot--almost white--and insert the little block. He knew that heat would cause the tube to slightly enlarge, so that the block being cold could be driven in; then as the tube cooled it would shrink in and hold it tight, so that none of the gas of the powder could escape.
The block was to be driven in nearly half an inch below the rim; the rim was to be next made quite white-hot, and in that state hammered over till it met in the centre, and overlapped a little. Again made white-hot, the overlapping (like the paper of a paper tube doubled in) was to be hammered and solidly welded together. The breech would then be firmly closed, and there would not be the slightest chance of its blowing out. This was his own idea, and he explained it to Mark.
They had now to decide how long the barrel should be: they had bought rather more tube than they wanted. Five, or even four feet would be so long, the gun would be inconvenient to handle, though with a rest, and very heavy. In a barrel properly built up, the thickness gradually decreases from the breech to the muzzle, so that as the greatest weight is nearest the shoulder the gun balances. But this iron tube was the same thickness from one end to the other, and in consequence, when held up horizontally, it seemed very heavy at the farther extremity.
Yet they wanted a long barrel, else it would not be like a proper matchlock. Finally, they fixed on forty inches, which would be long, but not too long; with a barrel of three feet four inches they ought, they considered, to be able to kill at a great distance. Adding the stock, say fifteen inches, the total length would be four feet seven.