Part 6 (1/2)

Beckit, Silas, _lieutenant_.

Sprague, John, _lieutenant_.

Day, Elkanah, _sergeant_.

Stearns, Isaac, _sergeant_.

Barker, Ezra, of Lanesborough, _corporal_.

Allen, Benjamin, _corporal_.

Brown, Luther, of Windsor, _fifer_.

Allen, John, _private_.

Arnold, Jonathan, of Hanc.o.c.k, _private_.

Bundee, Elisha, _private_.

Barnes, Asa, Jr., _private_.

Bryant, John, _private_.

Barus, Aaron, _private_.

Briggs, Benjamin, _private_.

Cleaveland, Jedediah, _private_.

Cook, Amasa, _private_.

Coree, Josiah, Jr., _private_.

Chafee, John, _private_.

Coree, Josiah, _private_.

Carpenter, Benjamin, of Hanc.o.c.k, _private_.

Cole, Solomon, _private_.

Cowing, Elisha, _private_.

Cole, William, Jr., _private_.

Doolan, Patrick, _private_.

Eddy, Andrew, _private_.

Gallop, William, _private_.

Hanks, Levi, _private_.

Haringdon, William, _private_.

Holt, t.i.tus, _private_.

Harris, Joseph, _private_.

Hall, Calvin, _private_.

Hill, Gardner, of Hanc.o.c.k, _private_.

Harringdon, Peter, _private_.

McFarling, William, _private_.

Jarvis, Joseph, _private_.

Keeler, James, _private_.

Lewis, Richard, of Lanesborough, _private_, killed October, 1780.

Leanord, Soloman, _private_.

Lusk, Asa, _private_.

McGuire, James, _private_.

Morehouse, Matthew, of Hanc.o.c.k, _private_.

Narramore, Asa, _private_.