Part 28 (1/2)
The girls were seated on the rustic front porch when Dan and Julie appeared. Jane smiled a greeting to them, then asked: ”Do tell us what has happened to Bob and Gerry. They dashed in and out again, nor would they stop when we called to ask where they were going?”
”Boys will be boys,” was Dan's evasive answer as he sank down on the porch step and smiled up at Meg. Then he heard his questioning thought asking: ”Is it possible that Meg's real name is Giguette?”
The five who remained at the cabin that afternoon found it difficult to converse idly, for the thoughts of each kept returning to a subject of great interest to that individual. Meg's good friend Teacher Bellows had told her that as soon as her examinations were completed he would accompany her and Pa Heger to a distant valley in the mountains where he had heard that the Ute tribe was then dwelling. They believed the finding of the box to be impossible since all through the years the old Indian had searched for it.
Merry, who had slipped her ring back into its case before any of her friends, except Jane, had seen it, was wondering when would be the best time to put it on her finger and announce to them all that she was to become the wife of Jean's brother. She had wanted to wait until Jean Willoughby should be with them, but when that would be, she could not conjecture.
Dan and Julie were very much excited over the discovery of the pick and shovel, and the lad could see by the small girl's manner that she was finding the secret almost more than she could keep. Every now and then, in childish fas.h.i.+on, Julie would look over at her brother, hump her shoulders and put a finger on her lips. Jane noted this, but was too miserably unhappy to wonder about little girl secrets. But she was being true to her resolve. She was ever keeping the memory of her mother in thought, and trying to be interested in what her companions were saying.
It was indeed a long afternoon, tense with suppressed excitement. At five-thirty, when the boys had not returned, Dan began to regret that he had granted the permission, for, of course, Gerry would not have gone to Crazy Creek Camp if his older brother had thought it unwise, and Bob, in all probability, would not have gone alone.
Jane, after glancing at her wrist watch, sprang up, announcing with evident gaiety: ”Merry and I have a supper planned.”
Then, turning to the younger girl, she invited: ”Julie, dear, wouldn't you like to set the table and make it look real partified?”
”Oh, goodie!” The small girl was glad to be asked to accompany the older two and away she skipped. Meg and Dan were left alone, for their offers of a.s.sistance had been refused.
”Suppose we climb to Bald Rock and watch the sunset,” Dan suggested. The girl, smiling up at him, arose at once. As soon as they had started to climb along the singing brook, Meg looked at her companion inquiringly.
”Dan,” she said, ”won't you share your secret with me?”
”Perhaps,” the lad countered, ”if you will share yours with me.” A merry, rippling laugh, as silvery as the song of the brook they were following, was the girl's first response. Then, ”We must be mind readers,” she told him.
Dan glanced down into the dusky uplifted face and in his eyes there was an expression almost of adoration. ”Meg,” he said, ”doesn't that alone prove that we are perfect comrades? We can sense each other's unspoken thought.” Then, with greater seriousness: ”I have hesitated about telling you, and moreover you have been in Scarsburg during the past week, but it is your right to know. Bob and Gerald and I have been searching for the box of which the dying Indian told you.”
”Why, Dan,” the girl's surprise was unmistakable, ”it is but wasting time. If the old Ute could not find it, surely it is not findable. There is a simpler way to learn of my parentage, and one which Pa Heger, Teacher Bellows and I are planning to undertake.” Then she told of the journey into the mountains upon which they expected to start when her examinations were completed. While Meg talked, she realized that Dan had still more to tell, and so she asked: ”Where did you boys search, and did you find anything at all?”
”Yes, Meg, we did unearth something and that is why Bob and Gerry hurried away in so mysterious a fas.h.i.+on.” Then the lad told about the dirt-crusted shovel and pick and of the carved name.
”Giguette!” the girl repeated as though she were searching her memory for something forgotten. Then lifting a radiant face, she exclaimed: ”Dan Abbott, that is my name. I was only a little thing, less than three, when someone taught me to lisp that my name was 'Lalie Giguette' when anyone asked. Until now, I had completely forgotten.”
Meanwhile the three girls in the kitchen were preparing the evening meal with much nonsensical chatter, but Jane was finding the strain almost more than she could bear. She felt that she might overcome her desire to go to her room and sob her heart out, if only she could get away by herself for a few moments, and so she suddenly, exclaimed, ”The one thing needed for our table is a bouquet. I saw a clump of the prettiest wild flowers yesterday, and if you girls will excuse me I'll go and get them.”
Merry at once saw through the ruse. Jane's flushed cheeks, quivering lips and tear-brimmed eyes told the story, and so she urged, ”Do go, Jane, before it is dark. The cool mountain air will do you good.” She did not offer to accompany her friend, realizing that she wanted to be alone.
Jane left the cabin, and after crossing the brook, she hurried toward the cleft in a rock where she had seen the flowers of which she had spoken, but instead of gathering them, she threw herself down on a wide, flat boulder and sobbed bitterly. She did not hear footsteps hurrying toward her, but suddenly she was conscious that someone had taken her hand and was holding it with great tenderness. ”Of course it is Dan,” she thought, without glancing up. Dear old Dan who always understood. But in another second, when the someone spoke, Jane knew that it was Jean Willoughby and not her brother. Instantly she was on her feet, her cheeks flaming, her hand pressed over her pounding heart. There was a wild, frightened expression in her eyes and she was about to run, but she could not, for two strong arms caught and held her, as the lad implored, ”Jane, dear, dear Jane, don't spurn me any longer. Don't you understand that I love you? The very fact that you could write that letter to me reveals the true n.o.bility of your soul. I don't blame you in the least for finding it hard, at first, to adjust yourself to the changed conditions, but when it came to the testing, you would have told your father to do just what he did.” Then, putting a hand over her quivering lips, he begged, ”Don't let's talk about that subject now. There's something ever so much more interesting that I want to say. Jane, can you care enough for me to promise to be my wife?”
The sudden change from misery to joy had been so great that the girl could hardly believe that it was real, and she gazed uncomprehendingly into the eager, handsome face of the lad. Then slowly she read in his glowing eyes the truth of all he had said, and she smiled tremulously. It was enough for Jean Willoughby. Joyfully he cried, ”You _do_ care, Jane!”
Then taking from his pocket a ring, he added (and there was infinite tenderness in his voice), ”That last summer on the coast of Maine, when little mother and I were alone together, she gave me this for _you_, dearest girl.”
Again there were sudden tears in the dark eyes that were lifted to his.
”Not for _me_, Jean. Your mother would have chosen a girl who could do useful things; pare potatoes, sew and darn.”
The lad laughed happily, and catching the slim left hand, he slipped the ring on the finger for which it was intended. Then he kissed each of the five finger tips as he confessed, ”It may seem inconsistent, but I want these lovely hands kept stainless. We will have a Chinaman to pare and cook.” Then slowly they walked toward the cabin.