1322 Catnip (1/2)
Cats ate fish, and dogs ate meat. The origin of this phrase was unknown. Nevertheless, it had an influence on humans. To many, it seemed that cats loved to eat fish and that they should eat fish.
In fact, this was the opposite of what the domestic cat's ancestors had eaten. The wild cats that lived in the deserts in the Middle East... Where could they find fish to eat? Desert wildcats fed on small mammals, small reptiles, and birds. Their diet did not include fish.
It was very dangerous to eat fish, both for people and for cats. Numerous cats had had their throats poked by fish bones that they'd swallowed. Fish with sharp bones and tough skins were especially unsuitable for eating. It was alright to eat fish occasionally, although, for the Exotic Shorthair, which could easily develop kidney stones, it was much better to avoid fish. This was because the treatment of stones may require surgery. It could bring about unnecessary worry for people, both in terms of the cat's safety and the cost.
After listening to Zhang Zian's reminders and explanations, Zhou Jiena and Wang Yan were somewhat frightened. They'd almost done their cat in.
After the formalities were completed, he gave them a booklet on pet feeding for novices. It contained a summary of all the mistakes and misconceptions that novices made or had. He'd had to update it quite often as time had passed. This booklet was extremely popular amongst his customers, and they praised him highly for it.
The two sisters excitedly and nervously left with a cat carrier. In it was the Exotic Shorthair.
They'd sealed the deal. As he saw small amounts of money entering his accounts, Zhang Zian was happy. After all, even though the trip to Egypt had been fully sponsored, he'd still spent quite a bit from his own pocket. For example, all those gifts that he'd bought. He'd also had to use his own money to buy Nekhbet, the drone, as well.
For Binhai University, scientific research items that were not used for a long time were very troublesome because there were not many applications for wilderness explorations from the university. Most of the research work can be done within the city. Even if there are professors who apply for a grant to head to the outdoors, they will definitely ask for funds to buy new equipment. They will certainly not want to use these second-hand goods. Who knows, if there is any problem with them?
Therefore, the usual practice of the University is to sell these used items at low prices to at least cover the cost of purchasing them.
However, Zhang Zian has no similar concerns about whether the item has problems. He has been responsible for operating the drone and knew that its performance is very reliable. It had even withstood the extreme environment of the desert, which makes it much stronger than toy drones that are common in the market. For him, this drone is brand new, not a second-hand.
He has been thinking about this for a while and finally decided to buy it through his relationship with Wei Kang. His purchase includes backup batteries and various lenses. Although it is already discounted, it is still expensive and blew a hole in his pocket.
As for why he bought a drone... It is because it plays a big role whilst he was in the desert. That counts as a teammate for him. Perhaps he can also use it in the future. Even if such an opportunity does not occur, he can still take it out and play it from time to time.
As the sun rose, the number of customers in the store gradually increased. Fans of Famous heard the news that it is back and came to take photos with it.
Zhang Zian handed over the store to the staff to look after and ran to the beach. He played the voice of Shihua and at the same time, caught some rare aquarium creatures to bring back to the shop.
Time flies. it was now evening.
The staff cleaned up and left.
It was early summer and there were more people walking and running about at night. In the distance, there was faint music coming from people dancing at the town square. Old uncles and aunties sat around and fan themselves whilst complaining about daily life. Of course, there were also young people who came out and walk their dogs after work.
After the staff left, Zhang Zian pulled down the shutter door and ended the day's business.
He returned to the second floor where the kitchen is and made himself a bowl of noodles. He added a few green vegetables, made two poached eggs, sprinkled with chopped green onion and finished it with a few drops of sesame oil. It was a nice piping hot dish that can easily wipe one's appetite.
Whilst they were in Egypt, they always ate foods with Egyptian characteristics. This means that the food is either sweet or greasy or sweet and greasy. In the desert, they often had food that were reheated, which are rather dry. Either those or they have dehydrated dry food. He ate that food until he felt really uncomfortable and had long missed the taste of authentic, common and affordable Chinese food.