1097 The Crazed Revenge (1/2)
Zhang Zian's brows furrowed, understanding that [Collapse the World] was hiding more behind those words, so he decided against going downstairs to clean, instead choosing to reply.
[The Hottie]: The world's still in the state of collapse? What do you mean?
The other replied quickly.
[Collapse the World]: Did you not pay attention to the news?
Zhang Zian deadpanned. He's been busy with his small animal protection bill, π's novel and the Holy Cat Statue, he really didn't have time to take note of the society's news. Could it be that something really did happened?
[The Hottie]: I've been busy, what news are you talking about?
[Collapse the World]: Right now, including Binhai City, there had been cases of dog poisoning with Isoniazid all around the country, and they are getting more and more common. I heard that you're a pet shop owner, you shouldn't need me to explain what is isoniazid, right?
Zhang Zian suck in a cold breath.
Of course he knows what isoniazid is. It's a very effective drug used to treat tuberculosis, first sold on the markets in 1952, just after World War II.
Since tuberculosis has been effectively contained and controlled around the world, and is no longer a huge threat to human's life, there are aims to completely eradicate tuberculosis around the world within the next few years. Therefore, isoniazid became widely known, not because of its abilities to cure tuberculosis, but because of its potent poisonous characteristic to dogs, just like arsenic, and would be used by people to poison the dogs.
Very little people used to know about the drug, but the era of the internet brought on the information boom. Anything and everything would be spread between people at breakneck speed.
Zhang Zian knows about isoniazid, and knows about the fact that people use it to kill dogs, but he didn't know that it has been happening frequently recently.
[The Hottie]: I know about isoniazid. As to the dog poisoning cases, can you tell me more? I haven't been catching up on news.
[Collapsing the World]: I had reprogrammed the internet bug that I made earlier, and changed the ”Related phrases” from 'cat torture' to 'dog poisoning', do you need me to send you another copy? Or can you reprogramme it yourself?
It's not the time to pretend to be amazing, and Zhang Zian obediently replied, ”Send me a copy.”
He quickly received an email with an attachment.
[Collapse the World]: I'll explain it simply, I only knew this after I had analysed the figures. In the beginning, dog poisoning cases were only sporadically happening, and neither did they bring in much attention. But, after related news had been reported, a lot of people had learned that isoniazid could poison dogs, and they seemed to act as though they had found new land. They started to purchase isoniazid to poison dogs, and the entire situation spiralled out of control.
[Collapse the World]: The dog poisoning and cat torture cases seemed to be similar, but they have definite differences. The huge scale of cat torture started out from Binhai City, and spread all over the country. Since we had experience from the cat torture cases, I thought the dog poisoning cases were similar too, starting from one city and spreading around the country. So, I tried using many statistical tools to analyze the data that we know about the dog poisoning cases. But, the disappointing thing was that there's no pattern at all, and are all just happening spontaneously... Or maybe, there's a pattern, but I just hadn't found it yet.
After reading their email, he understood the gravity of the situation. To compare the dog poisoning cases with the mass cat torture situation that they had back then, it must mean that it was huge.
The thing came too unexpectantly, he has absolutely no idea how to even begin tackling the situation, he can only try to understand it after his emotions settled.