1072 Warrant for Arres (1/2)

Pet King Jie Po 32510K 2022-07-19


With the exception restaurants that were still insisting on business, shops were closing one after another. Amazing Fate Pet Shop was no exception.

After the store employees cleaned up and arranged everything back to where it was supposed to be, they started to leave in groups.

After dinner, people from all stages of life went out for a walk. They had spent the majority of winter and spring in their homes, but the temperature was finally comfortable and there were no mosquitoes. The weather was nice enough to walk in.

It was not just humans enjoying the nice weather––even nocturnal animals began to wander about.

Although Binhai City was urban and a medium-sized city, there were still many animals that liked to move around at night. At night, dogs out for walks with their humans would often encounter such animals. They would suddenly get excited and rush in a certain direction, then bark at the grass or at flower beds. If one were to pull apart the grass and leaves, they would often find some small animals shaking, such as hedgehogs, squirrels, and wild rabbits.

Of course, the kinds of dogs with that sort of ability were small to large-sized hunting dogs. Small dogs like chihuahuas and pomeranians could not be counted on to do that.

Not far from the Amazing Fate Pet Shop, two acquaintances met outside and began to talk. One of them had an adult golden retriever that was not on a leash. After all, there were few cases of golden retrievers biting people. During their enthusiastic conversation, the golden retriever smelled something and ran down an alleyway.

During the Spring Festival, it was said that there were people stealing dogs from around there. The owner of the dog anxiously started to shout at it, but the excited golden retriever ignored his master's shout. He plunged into the alley and snorted at a stray kitten that was hidden in a corner.

The golden retriever was considered a treasure of the dogs, but the blood of the hunting dog ran through its body. It was very aggressive to small animals. If the owner pulled on it, it was still all right, but if it was free to roam about, then it often brought back surprises to its owner.

At that moment, the golden retriever was staring at the yellow and white kitten and continuously howling, pondering what sort of posture he should use to use to grab the cat. He wanted to gift it to his owner. Of course, it was not as gentle as a mother cat.

The strange thing was, the yellow and white cat did not show any fear. It just looked at it once, then tried to leap onto the wall.

The golden retriever was about to open his mouth to bite it, when suddenly the direction of the wind changed. He raised his head and looked up, only to see a dozen full moon-like eyes shining upon the wall, staring down at his movements. If they were somewhere else, he would have thought that some ancient god had been revived.

The owner arrived in the alleyway, only for the golden retreiever to run by, whimpering with his tail between his legs. He circled around his owner's legs to ask for comfort.

The owner was confused. He did not know what kind of situation it had met, but upon seeing the dark alley, he decided to not try to find out. After all, curiosity killed the cat.

Hundreds of stray cats were gathered on the roofs of the cottages and two-story buildings in the area. Normally, they would have been noisy, but at that time they were unusually quiet and hardly heard, even by the inhabitants under the roof.

Vladimir looked at the faces of the representatives of the stray cats. Every time there was a meeting, there was an increase in the number of unfamiliar, new faces. That meant that the power and strength of the stray cats was increasing again.

The fire of the cats was setting the prairie ablaze.