1058 Confusion (1/2)

Pet King Jie Po 30700K 2022-07-19

Zhang Zian was inspired by the three new signatures on the proposal, which meant as much as the moment Zhao Qi first entered the store.

It was not a matter of human relations, one's face, social status, or an even exchange of interests. It was purely a matter of his sincerity in exchange for the trust of the other party.

The most important thing was that it caused him to have an increased sense of confidence. If there was a first time, couldn't there be a second time, too?

”How is it, Vladimir? Not bad, right?” He watched the three people leave and chuckled.

Vladimir was noncommutative. He looked up at the sky and vaguely reminded him, ”It's been almost half an hour since you came out, and you've only gotten three signatures.”

The proposal still had a large amount of empty space on it.

”It's slow and inefficient, but it feels very good! Don't you think so?” Zhang Zian, with a high-spirited look, swept away his previous decadence and said excitedly, ”Although, Vladimir––you always say that you should fight physically instead of with words. In the past, when reading novels, such as Romance of the Three Kingdoms, I always felt more comfortable with fights on the bridge that were won by wisdom, or that touched each other with words, rather than the bridge section that oppressed people by force. Fighting may be quicker and more direct, but it's easier to fight and win the throne than to sit on the throne. In the end, we should persuade people by virtue.”

Vladimir was silent.

”Hello! Do you like pets or small animals?” Zhang Zian saw a white-collar lady walk past and quickly went to follow her. That time, his whole face was full of confidence. He could withstand being rejected by a few more indifferent people before his self-confidence depleted.

As Vladimir looked thoughtfully at the bustling street and the people coming and going, it murmured in a low voice, ”Faithfulness is a meowing sorrow. Why were you ever afraid of breaking your head? The world is red all over the world. Who is the guardian of the rivers and mountains?”

It was confident that it would overthrow the rule of mankind as swift as lightning, but what would happen after the overthrow? Did it depend on stray cats taking over civilization? Or would it have to watch the glorious civilization created by mankind disappear in the dust of history?

Vladimir had never thought about it before. He always thought that it was logical to destroy an old world and build a new one. But did he build a new world with the limbs of a stray cat? It was bound to be a new world that was innumerable times behind current human society. Its productivity would be extremely low. Large beasts would run rampant. There would be crises everywhere. The average life expectancy of stray cats would be greatly reduced. Was that really what it wanted to pursue?

It was not an immortal god––it also had a lifespan. When its body was tired, and it recalled autumn, would its long-cherished desire go to waste?

It was suddenly confused.

”Vladimir?” There was someone calling it.

Vladimir returned to his senses, and saw that Zhang Zian was staring at it in concern.

”Vladimir, are you all right?” he asked worriedly. ”I called you quite a few times, but you did not respond at all.”

It shook its head. ”I'm fine. I was just distracted.”

”Distracted?” Zhang Zian was still not reassured. ”You've been standing there lost in thought for a while. I thought that you had a heatstroke.”

”Was it very long?” It tried its best to make its mind clear again.

”…Look, I collected four signatures just now.” Zhang Zian let it see the proposal. There were four new signatures and phone numbers on the paper. The handwriting for each name was different. Some were clear, and some were messy. They were obviously from different people.

”That's good,” it forced itself to smile and say.