692 Matthew Davis Foundation (1/2)
Chapter 692: Matthew Davis Foundation
Translator: Nyoi-Bo StudioEditor: Nyoi-Bo Studio
San Francisco, United States.
The Matthew Davis Cancer Research Foundation was located in an ordinary, three-story office building in a suburb. The building was old, and its gray color looked out of fashion. The sign for the Foundation was not clearly visible, either; many first-time visitors had a hard time finding it.
There was a small parking lot in front of the office building. A few cars of different models and years were parked within the lot, being silently washed by the rain.
”Damn it!”
Eddy Lewis pushed open the car door, gave a nasty look to the gloomy sky, then walked out of the car reluctantly. He covered his head with his briefcase, which he held in one hand, and held a paper cup with coffee in it in his other hand. He hurried into the building against the cold wind and rain.
”Hi, Eddy! You are late!” The receptionist handed over a napkin to him. ”Horrible weather, isn't it? Wipe yourself off. Don't catch a cold.”
”Horrible, indeed! And I was stuck in traffic on my way!”
Eddy put his coffee on the front desk, then took the napkin to wipe his face and his bald head. He then dried up the raindrops on his glasses and exchanged a few words about the weather with the receptionist.
”I'm going up. See you later!” He tossed the napkin into the garbage bin, took up his coffee, said goodbye to the receptionist, then walked straight into the elevator and adjusted his tie in the mirror.
He was a volunteer for the Foundation, where he worked for them free of charge during his days off. He had been working there for almost ten years.
He was a little late today, as he was caught in traffic while driving by Chinatown in Los Angeles. Traffic jams were happening all the time in Los Angeles, but it happened today for a different reason––the Chinese Lion Dance team was performing a lion dance by the street with drums, gongs, and firecrackers. It was such a spectacle that many tourists and local residents were attracted to watch it, which completely blocked the roads. That, plus the bad weather, caused the cars to move at snail's pace.
He should have thought about this earlier. It was Chinese New Year, and even residents in the United States could not escape its huge significance.
This was not the first time that he had arrived late to work during Chinese New Year, but he could not be blamed. The Chinese New Year's Day never fell on a fixed date, and he could never remember the variable dates. It would be great if the date was fixed, such as American Thanksgiving, which occurred on the fourth Thursday of every November. He would have remembered it this way. From now on, though, he would take a different road during the New Year season.
Ding! The elevator stopped on the third floor, where his office was located, and the door opened.
”Good morning, Eddy!”
”Good morning!”
In the hallway, he greeted his colleagues that passed by him. Like him, most of them were just volunteering for the Foundation. Some of them had lost family members to cancer, while some just wanted to help out. Eddy was one of the latter.
”Oh, right. Eddy!” The colleague who greeted Eddy stopped behind him.
”What is it?” Eddy turned his head and asked.
”When I passed by your office just now, the phone was ringing,” his colleague said while he walked backwards.
”Thanks. I'm late today.” Eddy nodded to thank him. ”Hey, how about a drink in the bar nearby tonight? I mean, if it doesn't rain.”
”Sure. See you there.”