673 One After Another (1/2)
Chapter 673: One After Another
Translator: Nyoi-Bo StudioEditor: Nyoi-Bo Studio
Fina hadn't considered the fact that there might be more than one kitten. It cried, ”What? There's more?”
”Of course,” Zhang Zian said. ”Cats rarely give birth to just one kitten, they usually give birth to four or five kittens. Look at its belly, it's still swollen, and its contractions haven't ended.”
The Abyssinian cat had been licking its kitten's fur to wipe off the amniotic fluid. As the amniotic fluid was washed away, the kitten's brown fur slowly puffed up, and it finally looked more like a cat.
The mother noticed the kitten's placenta and umbilical cord, and once again, had no idea know what to do.
Zhang Zian grabbed the scissors and pinched the umbilical cord, then cut it about half a centimeter away from the kitten.
After some hesitation, the mother ate the placenta in a single bite.
Fina had a look of alarm and disgust on its face.
”The placenta replenishes its stamina,” Zhang Zian explained. ”Giving birth takes a lot of strength, and it's dangerous if it gets too weak.”
The placenta had many nutrients. Eating the placenta was a custom passed down from ancient times, since cats in the wild didn't have someone by their side to take care of them.
However, eating too much of it could cause diarrhea.
Zhang Zian grabbed a can of cat food, and planned to feed it to the mother after it delivered the next kitten.
The kitten became more energetic, it called out and sniffed for its mother.
Zhang Zian touched the electric blanket to check the temperature. It was warm enough, but he still wrapped the kitten in paper towels.
The brought the kitten near its stomach so that it could drink its milk.
Fina's curious gaze was fixed on the kitten. It raised one of its paws to pet the kitten, but the mother, who had always been respectful to Fina. blocked her.
”Its maternal instincts are strong, it's afraid that you'll harm the kitten,” Zhang Zian explained, worried that Fina was angry.
Fina was a little angry, but not at the mother. ”Why are you the only that can pet the kitten? Isn't she afraid that you'll harm it, too?”
Zhang Zian hadn't really thought about it, but he guessed it was because Fina was also a cat, and those of the same species had a higher probability of hurting one of their kind. It could've also been the fact that he had gloves on, and was unable to leave his scent on the kitten. If he had touched the kitten with his bare hands, the mother might not have even acknowledged the kitten.
The time between each kittens' birth wasn't fixed, it could be a few minutes or an hour. Zhang Zian told Fina to go back and rest, that there was no need for both of them to stay since she wasn't able to help.
Fina, who loved to sleep, glared at Zhang Zian, and said, ”What do you mean I'm not able to help? It's precisely because I'm here that her delivery went smoothly!”
Zhang Zian was at a loss for words.