282 Hide and Seek Experimen (1/2)

Pet King Jie Po 35000K 2022-07-19

Chapter 282: Hide and Seek Experiment

Translator: Nyoi-Bo StudioEditor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

Sun Xiaomeng bit her lower lip, her eyes fixated on Richard.

Despite her thinking hard to recall, she still couldn’t remember a thing about any related experiments. After all, she just read those reports and essays out of interest. Many of them were written in English, containing many terms in animal psychology and making the literature very hard to comprehend, leaving only fragmented and not profound impressions in her mind.

In addition, the noise from downstairs also made her unable to concentrate. Several times when she was about to think of something, her thinking was interrupted by a construction noise. She had the urge to rush downstairs and ask them to stop and continue their work after she had figured it out.

The kitchen door was quietly pushed open again, and both Sun Xiaomeng and Richard looked at the door. She thought Zhang Zian was back, and she grew even more anxious. If he was back and began his stupid talking, she would never recall any experiment.

Nobody was at the door, so her eyes looked down.

Galaxy was squatting at the door, looking smart, and its silver-grey eyes were gazing at Richard.

”Quack?” Richard felt Galaxy had something to say to it, so it asked out loud.

”Meow, hide-and-seek!” After saying these few words, Galaxy turned around quickly and ran away.

From what Sun Xiaomeng heard, Galaxy was just making some cute ”meowing” sounds.

She increasingly felt that Galaxy was very strange today because it actually was repeatedly approaching her.

”Quack? Hide-and-seek?” Richard repeated.

As if a lightning had struck the permanent dark sky, Sun Xiaomeng suddenly remembered, it was hide-and-seek!

”Richard, you want to play hide-and-seek?” She turned to Richard.


Richard didn’t understand what she meant. Richard wanted to say, ”I’m not playing such a childish game. If you want to play, go play with the black and white kitten. Leave me out of this,” but it could not say such things to Sun Xiaomeng.

Since Sun Xiaomeng already knew that Richard could understand her words, and Richard didn’t refuse, she believed that Richard had agreed acquiescently.

She looked around. As a single person, Zhang Zian’s kitchen was not too messy, but she was hoping it could be a little bit messier now.

”These might work.” She noticed a few glass spice jars on the shelves, each of which was the size of a child’s fist, containing chicken essence, sesame oil, vinegar, salt and sugar, respectively. The five spice jars were of a set, and their sizes were exactly the same, with only the caps different in color, which were in red, yellow, green, blue and white, respectively.

She said to Zhang Zian inside her heart, ”I'm sorry for borrowing these without your permission, I will apologize to you when you come back”.

Sun Xiaomeng put these five spice jars one by one in front of Richard.

Richard thought she was asking it to identify the colors of the caps, which was a piece of cake for it. Richard answered even before she asked, ”Red, yellow, green, blue, and white.”

Sun Xiaomeng smiled, ”No, I’m not asking you the colors of these caps... but you are totally right, impressive. Now, pay attention to my words, how many jars are here in total?”

”Five.” Richard quickly responded. That was way too easy for it.

She picked up a stainless-steel soup pot, turned it upside down and covered the red spice jar, completely blocking it.

”How many are there now?”

Richard hesitated, uncertain of whether it should count the one that was blocked.

”Five,” it answered.