Chapter 5.4 (2/2)

After some time, when Tao Yun Ke thought she would be almost completely paralyzed under such pressure, finally Jun Si Que opened his mouth——

“It’s not she wanted to get me, but it’s me who wanted to get her.”

This kind of answer, Tao Yun Ke would better not let herself to hear it.


Coming back to her own office room, Tao Yun Ke lost in her train of thought for sometime, finally Tao Yun Ke took out a booklet, found out one contact number, one number that she rare to use.

Dialing the phone number, she heard a gentle yet hoa.r.s.e voice: “Looking for whom?”

“Fen Hua Tang.”


“A hundred thousand Yuan, help me to investigate a woman, of course, if you can find out whatever the person did or any dirty thing, I will increase the price.”

“Three days later, transferred the money to bank, one month later, the data that you wanted naturally will be sent to you.”

On the phone, it sounded ‘tutt tutt’ hung up phone call sound, while Tao Yun Ke heaved a sigh, while her entire body feebly leaning on the black leather chair.
