Part 26 (1/2)

Hope you do not have any trouble”

”No; I guess I shan't I can e to hold him, and if I don't, I'll turn Emperor loose He makes a first-rate police tent, for he was a little late this , for which he was not wholly to bla been lost in his intervieith Mr Sparling

In the hurry of preparation for the parade, Phil forgot all about Mr Kennedy's concern over Jupiter But he was reain when he rode out to fall in line with the procession

Mr Kennedy and his charges, all well in hand, were just eerie tent to take their places for the parade Jupiter was a by Jupiter's side, giving him almost his exclusive attention

Phil's place in the parade this season ith a body of Geraudy uniform and rode a handso race at the close of the circus Phil had become very proficient on horseback and occasionally had entered the ring races, being light enough for the purpose He had also kept up his bareback practice, under the instruction of Dimples, until he felt quite proud of his achievements

Vincennes, where the shoas to exhibit that day, was a large town, and thousands of people had turned out to view the parade which had been extensively advertised as one of the greatest features ever offered to the public

”They see to the rider beside him

”Act as if they'd never seen a circus parade before,” answered the et out in soht ere West now?”

”Not until we get the other side of the Mississippi, on't be

They don't call Indiana West We'll be getting there pretty soon, too According to the route card, we are going to o to Chicago, do we?”

”No Show's not quite big enough for that town We go south of it, playing soht west

hello, what's the row up ahead there?”

”What row, I didn't see anything”


The part of the parade in which Phil was located ell up toward the elephants, the aniht angles to Phil's course

”It's the elephants!” cried the lad aghast

”What's happening?”

”They have broken the line!”

All was confusion at the point on which the two showmen had focused their eyes

”It's a stampede, I do believe!” exclaimed Phil ”I wonder where Mr Kennedy is? I don't see hi this way”

”What, the elephants? Yes, that's so Oh, I'm afraid somebody will be killed”

”If there hasn't already been,” growled Phil's coet out of this while I have the chance I've seen elephants on the ra which, the showman turned his horse and rode out of the line His example was followed byand rushi+ng here and there, horses neighing, and the ani way