Part 21 (1/2)
”You Kansas Militia fellows are too much scattered,” returned the civilian. ”Why doesn't General Curtis get you concentrated down here by the border somewhere? I tell you, old Pap will be here before you know it. Why, he's already to Jefferson City, according to the latest despatches, cleaning up everything before him and coming this way like a jack rabbit. What is there between here and his front to stop his twenty-five or thirty thousand men? Nothing! Nothing to make him even hesitate.”
”There will be something to make him hesitate, though,” insisted the Kansas militiaman, stoutly. ”Curtis _is_ concentrating, and we'll be sent across the State line to meet and stop Price somewhere around Lexington. You watch!”
”Would you go across the line?” queried the other.
”Certainly I would.”
”Well, then, you're an exception,” returned the civilian. ”I'll bet you two bits that if the Kansas militia is ordered across the State line, nine-tenths of them will refuse to go. They're too afraid they'll be kept away over election and too afraid they'll have to give up a little shred of their sacred 'State Rights' to the National Government.”
”Oh, well, some of the boys feel that way, of course,” replied the militiaman, defensively, ”but not all, by any means.”
Al's curiosity had reached the breaking-point.
”I beg your pardon,” he interrupted, leaning across the table, ”but will you kindly tell me if General Sterling Price's army is invading Missouri?”
The two men looked at Al and Wallace in amazement.
”Why, yes, I should say it is,” answered the militiaman. ”Where have you come from that you didn't know that?”
”We have just come down the Missouri in a barge,” Al answered, ”and we haven't heard any late news; nothing since we left Omaha. We have been up in Dakota all Summer with General Sully, fighting the Sioux Indians.”
”Oh, is that so?” asked the other. ”We haven't heard much from that campaign, either. Did you whip the Indians?”
”Yes, we defeated and scattered them in two pretty big battles. But what about General Price?”
”Why, he entered southeast Missouri from Arkansas about the middle of September with an army of anywhere from fifteen to thirty thousand men.
He tried to take Pilot k.n.o.b, but General Ewing, who used to be here at Kansas City, you know, was there with a small force and repulsed him badly; knocked the tar clean out of him, in fact. Then he started for St. Louis but there were so many troops there that he seems to have given it up; at least, he is moving west along the Missouri and I guess he's somewhere around Jeff City now. I don't know whether he can take it or not; according to the latest despatches Rosecrans is going to try to hold the city. But we're looking for Price to come on out here and try to invade Kansas, anyhow.”
”You say he's coming up the Missouri?” asked Al. ”We've got to keep on down the river to St. Louis with our barge.”
”Well, you'd better look out for old Pap, then,” rejoined the other.
”He'll catch you, sure, and likely burn your boat; and if he don't the guerillas will. They're awful bad now, and there isn't a steamboat ever gets through without being attacked, and often they're destroyed.”
Al felt a sudden chill of apprehension.
”Do you know whether they attacked the steamer _North Wind_ on her way down?” he asked, anxiously.
”No, I don't remember it,” the militiaman returned.
”Why, yes, you do,” broke in his companion. ”Don't you know, two or three weeks ago a band of guerillas got the _North Wind_ somewhere between Lexington and Miami? They crossed the river on her and then burnt her up. It was reported several of her people were killed in the mix-up.”
”Oh, that's right; I had forgotten,” returned the soldier. Then to Al he said, curiously, ”Why do you ask?”
”Nothing,” answered Al, in a dull voice. ”Only I had a young brother on her who had been a prisoner among the Indians. He was going home to his mother in St. Louis.”
”Pshaw, that's too bad!” exclaimed the militiaman, sympathetically. ”But he's probably gotten through all right.”
”Maybe he has and maybe not,” said Al. ”It's hard to tell in such times.