Part 26 (1/2)

”Respect for your betters, Betea,” Hia Cyn said pleasantly, but the man behind the table frowned

”She's worth less to me with a broken arm,” he said, sternly ”Nor do I wish to buy at hazard”


”You are wise,” came a cool voice from behind ”Sir, release that woman She is neither your chattel nor your debtor”

The”Who are you, sir?”

Pat Rin yos'Pheliuh-town lace; his face covered by a supple black ht ear

”I was told we name no names here, sir,” he said calmly ”However, I have business and a name for theto hi”Hia Cyn yo'Tonin, release that person, and prepare to answer rip loosened, froh she was quick to take advantage of his lapse ”We are in the midst of social pleasure,” Hia Cyn protested ”How oes forth in the name of Fal Den ter'Antod, whom your actions slew Do you deny that you are Hia Cyn yo'Tonin?”

”I neither deny nor acknowledge! You, sir, are not anonymous I know your voice I know that ear-stone-as who does not? I've seen you deep in the cards-and shooting, at Teydor's!”

Betea, forgotten in the argument, ht ribands

”What!” Hia Cyn raised his hand too late The mask had slipped, fallen, and was held useless in his left hand He stood revealed, his face seehtly damp where the leather had cuddled his cheeks

Pat Rin raised a hand, showing the battered debt-book, Iil to the fore

”I have a book frooes forth, here and now

What Balance is just, for the loss of a life?”

”I repudiate this I will not accept Balance from a masked robber”

”But do you know,” said a feminine voice froray hair, and wearing a mauve mask stepped into the room, closely followed by Eyan yo'Lanna's emerald

The mauve mask inclined her head to Pat Rin

”I have only this afternoon had a e from dea'Gauss, sir I believe I am in your debt for the very welcome information he imparted” She raised a hand ”Your duty takes precedence over my own Pray continue I believe we may be in a situation where witnesses may beappropriate”

Pat Rin inclined his head ”Ma'aer he felt

Anger, that this man lived where Fal Den ter'Antod-twelve dozen tireed And he was to Balance this wrong? There was no Balance fitting Even death

The man behind the table cleared his throat

”I do not wish to trespass into a private affair,” he said calmly ”However, I think it relevant to point out to those concerned that I came here to buy seven years' of hard labor in my company'sas the contract is valid”

Pat Rin turned and looked at the man behind the table


The man inclined his head ”The contract can, of course, be renewed, at seller's option I am limited to the purchase of seven year blocks”

”I see” Pat Rin held looked again at Hia Cyn yo'Tonin, pale and sweating ”Let us say seven years initially, renewal to depend upon Fal Den ter'Antod's delm”

”The Council!” yelped Hia Cyn”I don't think that the Council will find it difficult to name you beholden,” the lady in the mauve mask said

”And if Imtal does not impose additional terms of service, you may warm yourself by the certainty that you will have pel'Varn to reckon with on the day your indenture is done”

It was tooEyan aside, and vaulted into the main room, Betea in hot pursuit

”Card-sharp!” she cried ”Stop his alike-turned to stare at the one so hideously accused; several young gentlemen were seen to cast down their dice or their cards andat the roolanced down at his left hand, fingers still uselessly clutching his ht Revealed and ruined

”Do not run from the lordshi+p's Balance, Hia Cyn,” Betea's voice was quite near He jerked his head up and stared at her ”It rong, e did And now a man has died of it”

”A fool has died of it,” he snarled, snatching his hidden pistol free ”And not the only one”

He raised the weapon and pulled the trigger

Betea fell, someone in the crowd of pleasure-seekers screa the way out- And found instead a talllace and jewels, the blue stone in his ear blazing He was showing eun aside,” Pat Rin said, pitching his voice for gentleness ”Put the gun aside and stand away

Hia Cyn You hold no winning cards here”

”No?” The gun came around, the eyes wild and the face aflame with some fever of madness

There was no tiht his right hand down, felt the little gun slide into his palet

Hia Cyn fired as he fell; the pellet froun had already shattered his heart

There was silence a, slipped his weapon away Several of the young gentle over as left of Hia Cyn yo'Tonin He went to kneel beside Betea sen'Equa, discovering a heartbeat, and a wound to the upper arm She opened her eyes as he bent over her

”Lord,” she said breathily to Pat Rin as he stooped near her, ”the masks!”
