Part 9 (1/2)

”Very well Arto-bring food for the ician Kat-tie her”

Lute carried the bad bread and doubtful cheese to her, ignoring the tube though his nerves shrieked He halved the er portion and raised a cheese-bit to her lips: ”Eat”

”Look, Kat!” Lady Drudae shrilled ”The er! Or is she not a stranger? A night in the pit together, with no other entertainment-and she would not have Arto!”

Moonhawk felt the flare of his fury, held his eyes with hers ”My thanks to you, brother” Shoulders aching with the strain of the rope, she took the cheese and ate

He fed her the bread and gave her a drink of pure, icy water Then he ate, taking ing so

The Lady shi+fted irritably, fingers tightening on the tube Lute offered more water; had another sip for himself and turned

She read no hope in hiuardian will stand well away”

”Stand away! You can't go-” Arto's bellow spun Kat and the Lady around Lute faded two light steps toward the bag, hope scalding

Through the arch a raga bulky Arto before it like jetsa! Bounty for all!”

”Enough!” The tube pointed unwavering at the center of the crowd Voices halted and the tangle rearranged itself, beco tere ainst the rope that pinned his arms to his sides The wo

”He has coins, noble Lady!” cried one froe ”And fine clothes! We followed and captured!

We deet now and the blue eyes held onlyhiive me, noble Lady I spoke hastily”

”Count your wretched life as bounty” The tube averted its stare with reluctance ”And the rest of you!

I'll decide your bounty-if any! Go! Now”They abased the Kat ca

”Coins?” wondered Lady Drudae, eyeing the a woive her to Arto, to atone for the one ouldn't have hi out of him The woman's head went up

”I am well content with the man I have We are travelers and sacred In Her Nahed ”Oh, well said! In Her name, release us Oh, yes! Arto!”


A noise loud enough to stun the mind burst into the room: all save one were startled

Now there was a rush of wind filling Moonhawk's head as the roo tiny, tinier This was the whole of the Power, as she'd tasted it but twice before: The Mother Herself was looking through Moonhawk's eyes Before the rooht, she looked for Lute and saw hi, and one hand perhaps in it

THE GodDESS DID pour Herself into the earthly for up, She snapped the puny bonds of helance, She caused the ropes to fall from the two captives and cried out in a Voice like the Wind That Scattered The Stars: ”Away! Take thy ht the ht stay and fight Then sense prevailed and he turned with his wo place

TheBefore his eyes the Mother flung iround upon his knees, tears running his cheeks Lute aided the Mother, striking with acame at Her as the tyrant wohtning is Her Consort and will not harm Her She raised a hand to the strea roof

Then the Goddess reached out once e, so that she dropped the death-tube

A hand fell upon Her Person A voice dinned in Her ears The Goddess looked about, well pleased with Her work, and returned the body to Her daughter

”MOONHAWK! Moonhawk!”

She blinked at Lute, stared at the fallen Kat, at the Lady, back to the far wall, fist ja she alone saw”Moonhawk!” A shake that snapped her head on her neck


”The roof's afire! Goddess blast you-run!”

Run She fu trot toward the door, the path shebefore the Inner Eyes Lute was right She must run- The door was abruptly blocked Arto Moonhawk breathed a prayer to the Mother and did not slow

Thewith his hands empty at his sides when Lute passed a e incandescent light

Running was easier now More natural She added speed, weaving between the thatchless hovels, following necessity, oblivious to the shadows, vaguely curious of the light that had kept pace and then was gone

She broke out of the village into a clearing ringed with rock-an ancient corral, perhaps-the carved shapes of boundary markers towered, just beyond

She raced across the opening, eyes on theher on Her foot struck a hidden rock and she hurtled forward, catching herself on her hands, rolling up-and freezing

Encircling her, notcreatures She saw a flash of dark blue-her cloak

And the woman ore it held a stone

All of theone to ash She reached without and touched nothing but hatred Necessity burned in her Fear turned her legs to jelly

The one ore her cloak drew back her ar Moonhawk braced herself

”Make way!” cried a voice and the huh, bag in hand He sla from his hands

”Gold! Gold for all!”

”Gold!” The crowd fell as one, scrabbling in the knotted grass