Chapter 6 (1/2)
Chapter 6 – Fantasy Weapon
MTL: uniquegasuki
Editor/ Proofreader: (not proofread)
Souji regains consciousness; he sees an unfamiliar ceiling and a beautiful woman wearing a white coat.
「Kyouko, sensei?」
「Eh, are you hurting anywhere?」
Upon seeing the face of the beautiful nurse, Souji shakes his head no.
「Is Eisuke and everyone else safe?」
「……your a peculiar child, is this really the first thing you want to ask?」
For him to worry more about his friend and everyone else more than himself, Kyouko is surprised. In admiration of this selfless she smiles.
「Everthing is fine. Thanks to your efforts everyone was able to avoid a direct hit.」
「I see, that’s good……」
Having learned about the present situation, Souji exhaled and covered his face with his right arm.
「I lost, how vexing……」
Despite having lost to his grandfather thousands of times, Souji is still not used to losing.
Upon seeing the frustrated Souji trying to hide his face with his palm, Kyouko couldn’t help but open her mouth in surprise.
「Are you thinking that you’ve lost to Ayato-kun?」
「Yes, it was my defeat was it not?」
「Ah, umm, it wasn’t really a loss……」
It was a rather unusual conversation as Kyouko didn’t give Souji a straightforward answer.
「Were you not the one to first knock down Ayato-kun?」
「The referee didn’t declare it as my victory.」
「Ayato stood back up, but I was knocked out. Doesn’t that mean it’s my loss.」
The order doesn’t matter, the true winner is the one who is last standing.
This universal rule not only applies to their fight but it will also apply to their future battlefield that they will be sent to.
「Do not worry about it.」
Souji had become conceited after his grandfather praised his skill. Admitting his mistake, he reflexed on his own ignorance.
However, there was something Souji wanted to know before he began his training.
「Kyouko-sensei, was that fantasy weapon really Excalibur? 」
「Yeah, that was the holy sword that King Authur (アーサー王) had received from the fairy of the lake.」
「But, Excalibur shouldn’t be able to release a blade of light.」
None of the legends pertaining to Excalibur mentions it having the ability to unleash an enormous beam sword.
However, the reality is that Tendouji Ayato possesses King Authur’s sword and that he was able to unleash such an attack.
「It must be similar to my Tonbokiri. Even though my spear is the same as the original, its seems to be a separate existence. But, the reality is that these weapons do exist.」
Souji stares at the small scar on the phantasm converter (on his right arm) that was caused by the direct attack from Excalibur.
If he were to activate the converter, the broken Tonbokiri would reappear fully intact.
「Sensei, what are these fantasy weapons?」
While on the battlefield, they must entrust their life to these mysterious and ominous weapons.
As long as Souji held such doubt, he wouldn’t be able to fight against the C.E.
When Kyouko could no longer stand Souji’s stubbornest, she sighed.
「I had planned to save this for later but…… because you had put up a good fight, I will give you a special lesson.」
「Thank you very much.」
When the beautiful nurse winked at him, Souji couldn’t help but blush a little.
「First off…… umm, do you think Excalibur really exist?」
「Well, I think the one Ayato has looked real enough.」
「Umm, what I’m saying is, do you think 『King Arthur’s legendary holy sword Excalibur』 actually existed? Did such a sword really existed hundreds or thousands of years ago?」
「No it did not. Such a fantastic magic sword did not exist in this world.」
Souji is puzzled by Kyouko’s statement.
The legendary sword Excalibur that was owned by King Arthur was something based on a made-up story.
「The fantasy weapons are something a phantom child thinks up. You might be thinking, 『are you saying in the past magic never existed?』 I understand how you feel, but it is a fact that in this day and age, the sword Excalibur does not exist in this world.」
Having guessed what Souji was thinking, Kyouko supports her previous statement. (T/N: but mommy, magic does exist)
She wasn’t making baseless a.s.sumptions, Kyouko has stacks of research papers to backup her claim.
「You see, everyone knows of the holy sword Excalibur due to things such as manga, video games, and other various media.」
「It is something that doesn’t exist but everyone knows it. You see, from their imagination―― something like a 『illusion』is created.」
Upon hearing the ridiculous explanation, a cold s.h.i.+ver runs down Souji’s spine.