Part 6 (1/2)
'And I have hunted the wild deer In east lands and in west; And never saw I white doe yet That had a maiden's breast.'
Then up and spake her fair brother, Between the wine and bread, 'Behold, I had but one sister, And I have been her dead.'
'But ye must bury my sweet sister With a stone at her foot and her head, And ye must cover her fair body With the white roses and red.'
And I must out to the greenwood, The roof shall never shelter me; And I shall lie for seven long years On the gra.s.s below the hawthorn tree.
I be pareld most of prise, I ride after the wild fee.
WILL ye that I should sing Of the love of a goodly thing, Was no vilein's may?
'Tis sung of a knight so free, Under the olive tree, Singing this lay.
Her weed was of samite fine, Her mantle of white ermine, Green silk her hose; Her shoon with silver gay, Her sandals flowers of May, Laced small and close.
Her belt was of fresh spring buds, Set with gold clasps and studs, Fine linen her s.h.i.+ft; Her purse it was of love, Her chain was the flower thereof, And Love's gift.
Upon a mule she rode, The selle was of brent gold, The bits of silver made; Three red rose trees there were That overshadowed her, For a sun shade.
She riding on a day, Knights met her by the way, They did her grace; 'Fair lady, whence be ye?'
'France it is my countrie, I come of a high race.
'My sire is the nightingale, That sings, making his wail, In the wild wood, clear; The mermaid is mother to me, That sings in the salt sea, In the ocean mere.'
'Ye come of a right good race, And are born of a high place, And of high degree; Would to G.o.d that ye were Given unto me, being fair, My lady and love to be.'
I LAVED my hands, By the water side; With the willow leaves My hands I dried.
The nightingale sung On the bough of the tree; Sing, sweet nightingale, It is well with thee.
Thou hast heart's delight, I have sad heart's sorrow For a false false maid That will wed to-morrow.
'Tis all for a rose, That I gave her not, And I would that it grew In the garden plot.
And I would the rose-tree Were still to set, That my love Marie Might love me yet.