Part 40 (1/2)


10. cauh.

20. puxam.

30. puxamacauh = 20 + 10.

40. tipuxam = 2 20.

50. tipuxamacauh = 40 + 10.

60. totonpuxam = 3 20.

100. quitziz puxum = 5 20.

200. copuxam = 10 20.

400. tontaman.

1000. t.i.tamanacopuxam = 2 400 + 200.

The essential character of the vigesimal element is shown by the last two numerals. _Tontamen_, the square of 20, is a simple word, and 1000 is, as it should be, 2 times 400, plus 200. It is most unfortunate that the numeral for 8000, the cube of 20, is not given.


10. tamoamata.

20. cei-tevi.

30. ceitevi apoan tamoamata = 20 + 10.

40. huapoa-tevi = 2 20.

60. huaeica-tevi = 3 20.

100. anxu-tevi = 5 20.

400. ceitevi-tevi = 20 20.

Closely allied with the Maya numerals and method of counting are those of the Quiches of Guatemala. The resemblance is so obvious that no detail in the Quiche scale calls for special mention.


10. lahuh.

20. hu-uinac = 1 man.

30. hu-uinac-lahuh = 20 + 10.

40. ca-uinac = 2 men.

50. lahu-r-ox-kal = -10 + 3 20.

60. ox-kal = 3 20.

70. lahu-u-humuch = -10 + 80.

80. humuch.

90. lahu-r-ho-kal = -10 + 100.

100. hokal.

1000. o-tuc-rox-o-kal.