Part 4 (1/2)
OCEANA. Mourning!
MRS. MASTERSON. Yes... for your grandfather.
OCEANA. But, my dear Aunt Sophronia, I couldn't possibly wear mourning! No, no! I couldn't do that!
MRS. MASTERSON. [Astonished.] Why not?
OCEANA. In the first place, I never mourn.
MRS. MASTERSON. But your own grandfather, my dear!
OCEANA. But I never knew him. Aunt Sophronia... I never saw him in my life!
MRS. MASTERSON. Even so, my dear! Hasn't he left you all his fortune?
OCEANA. But am I supposed to mourn over that? Why, I'd naturally be happy about that!
LEt.i.tIA. Oceana!
OCEANA. But surely.. wouldn't you be happy about it?
MRS. MASTERSON. My child, one is not supposed to set so much store by mere money...
OCEANA. But Aunt Sophronia, money is power! And isn't anybody glad to have power? What else did I come here for?
MRS. MASTERSON. I had hoped you had come home for some other things. .. to see your relatives, for instance.
ETHEL. Here's father!
OCEANA. Uncle Quincy!
DR. MASTERSON. [Enters.] My dear girl! You have come! [Embraces her.] Why, what a picture you are! A very storm from the tropics! My dear Oceana!
OCEANA. I'm so glad to get here.
DR. MASTERSON. Yes, indeed! I can believe it! And a strange experience it must have been... your first plunge into civilization!
OCEANA. Yes, Uncle Quincy! It's been horrible!
DR. MASTERSON. Horrible, my dear? In what way?
OCEANA. It's been almost too much for me. Really... I could understand how it might feel to be sick!
DR. MASTERSON. Why, what did you see?
OCEANA. Everything! It rushed over me, all at once! The people... their dreadful faces! And such noises and odors and sights!
DR. MASTERSON. I hadn't realized...
OCEANA. And then the saloons! Rows and rows of them! It is ghastly!