Part 163 (1/2)
”beaming” Stanton...”The Star Spangled Banner”: NYTrib, April 4, 1865.
”The demand to supply”: Star, April 3, 1865.
One hundred Herald... section of the city: NYH, April 4, 1865.
EXTRA!...first to enter the city: NR, April 3, 1865.
eight hundred guns, fired at Stanton's order: Brooks, Mr. Lincoln's Was.h.i.+ngton, p. 431.
dinner at Stanton's house: Thomas and Hyman, Stanton, p. 353.
”if there were to be...of the danger”: James Speed to Joseph H. Barrett, 1885 September 16, Lincoln Collection, Lincoln Miscellaneous Ma.n.u.scripts, Box 9, Folder 66, Special Collections, Research Center, University of Chicago Library.
tried to keep Lincoln...”the same condition”: EMS to AL, April 3, 1865, Lincoln Papers.
Lincoln was already...Richmond the next day: AL to EMS, April 3, 1865, CW, VIII, p. 385.
At 8 a.m.... historic journey to Richmond: Barnes, ”With Lincoln from Was.h.i.+ngton to Richmond in 1865,” Part II, Appleton's (1907), p. 746.
channel approaching...”and touched them”: Through Five Administrations, ed. Gerry, pp. 5152.
”Here we were...well to be humble”: AL, quoted in Porter, Incidents and Anecdotes of the Civil War, pp. 29495.
Lincoln was surrounded...”hereafter enjoy”: Ibid., p. 295.
men stood up...”and from the water-side”: Ibid., pp. 29697.
crowd trailed Lincoln...easily visible: Ibid., p. 299.
”walking with his everything”: Thomas Thatcher Graves, ”The Occupation,” Part II of ”The Fall of Richmond,” in Battles and Leaders of the Civil War, Vol. IV, Pt. II, p. 727 (quote); Porter, Incidents and Anecdotes of the Civil War, p. 299; Through Five Administrations, ed. Gerry, p. 53.
Lincoln's bodyguard...along the route: Through Five Administrations, ed. Gerry, p. 54.
occupied the stucco mansion...gla.s.s of water: Barnes, ”With Lincoln from Was.h.i.+ngton to Richmond in 1865,” Part II, Appleton's (1907), pp. 74849.
bottle of whiskey...”condition for the Yankees”: Through Five Administrations, ed. Gerry, p. 55.
toured the mansion...”interested in everything”: Graves, ”The Occupation,” in Battles and Leaders of the Civil War, Vol. IV, Pt. II, p. 728.
met with the members...troops from the war: J. G. Randall and Richard N. Current, Lincoln the President: The Last Full Measure, originally published as Vol. 4 of Lincoln the President (New York: Dodd, Mead, 1955; Urbana: University of Illinois Press, 1991), pp. 35356; AL to G.o.dfrey Weitzel, April 6, 1865, CW, VIII, p. 389.
Confederate statehouse...greatly relieved: Porter, Incidents and Anecdotes of the Civil War, pp. 30203.
”nothing short of miraculous...go in peace”: Through Five Administrations, ed. Gerry, p. 54.
all the public buildings...”one blaze of glory”: Brooks, Mr. Lincoln's Was.h.i.+ngton, p. 434.
”the entire population...of lighted candles”: NR, April 5, 1865.
he told Welles...”schemes are his apology”: Entry for April 5, 1865, Welles diary, Vol. II, p. 275.