Part 155 (1/2)
”to weaken the support Lincoln”: Entry for September 10, 1864, Welles diary, Vol. II, pp. 14041.
Chase stopped en route...”judgment of history?”: Entry for September 13, 1864, in Chase Papers, Vol. I, p. 502.
”Mr. Chase had a the north”: EBL to SPL, September 16, 1864, in Wartime Was.h.i.+ngton, ed. Laas, p. 429.
Chase accompanied Stanton...with Lincoln: Entry for September 16, 1864, in Chase Papers, Vol. I, pp. 50304.
”I have been...demonstrative”: SPC to KCS, September 17, 1864, reel 35, Chase Papers.
”wronged and to his Administration”: Entry for September 17, 1864, in Inside Lincoln's Cabinet: The Civil War Diaries of Salmon P. Chase, ed. David Donald (New York: Longmans, Green, 1954), p. 255.
”conviction securing it”: SPC to KCS, September 17, 1864, reel 35, Chase Papers.
He traveled...before overflowing crowds: Entries for September 24November 11, 1864, in Chase Papers, Vol. I, pp. 50710.
the state elections...previous year: JGN to TB, September 11, 1864, container 3, Nicolay Papers; NYT, September 13, 1864.
”Three weeks ago...confident of success”: JGN to TB, September 11, 1864, container 3, Nicolay Papers.
Philip Sheridan...of Early's army: McPherson, Battle Cry of Freedom, p. 777.
”shouting of Clerks” became known: Entry for September 20, 1864, in Chase Papers, Vol. I, p. 506.
”This will do much...loving men”: Entry for September 20, 1864, Welles diary, Vol. II, p. 151.
Blair was aware...his resignation to Lincoln: MB to Mary Elizabeth Blair, September 23, 1864, quoted in Smith, The Francis Preston Blair Family in Politics, Vol. II, p. 288.
his father had repeated...”an avowed enemy”: FPB to FB, quoted in EBL to SPL, September 24, [1864], in Wartime Was.h.i.+ngton, ed. Laas, p. 433.
Henry Wilson warned Lincoln...”account of the Blairs”: Henry Wilson to AL, September 5, 1864, Lincoln Papers.
Monty Blair detested Stanton...”a thief”: ”26 September 1864, Monday,” in Hay, Inside Lincoln's White House, p. 233.
”interchanged words for weeks”: Entry for August 11, 1864, Welles diary, Vol. II, p. 102.
when the opportunity arose...stayed in the race: William Frank Zornow, Lincoln & the Party Divided (Norman: University of Oklahoma Press, 1954), pp. 14447.
Fremont announced his withdrawal: NYT, September 23, 1864.
”You have generously...connection therewith”: AL to MB, September 23, 1864, in CW, VIII, p. 18. For Blair's resignation letter, see MB to AL, September 23, 1864, Lincoln Papers.
Blair was surprised...”yielded to that”: Entry for September 23, 1864, Welles diary, Vol. II, pp. 15657.
Blair had been...”irritating bickerings”: Addition to entry for September 23, 1864, ibid., p. 158 n1.
”In parting with Blair...discriminating and correct”: Entry for September 23, 1864, ibid., p. 157.
”the removal of...befallen the Cabinet”: Entry for September 27, 1864, ibid., p. 161.
did not consider...straight-speaking colleague: Entry for August 2, 1864, ibid., p. 93.