Part 138 (1/2)

”Men and horses...every day”: JH to JGN, August 13, 1863, in Hay, At Lincoln's Side, p. 50.

”The garments over everything”: Brooks, Mr. Lincoln's Was.h.i.+ngton, p. 223.

”hot, dusty weather...discomfort of Was.h.i.+ngton”: EMS to Ellen Stanton, August 25, 1863, quoted in Gideon Stanton, ed., ”Edwin M. Stanton” (quotes); Pinsker, Lincoln's Sanctuary, pp. 11617.

”Nearly everybody...skeddadled from the heat”: Brooks, Mr. Lincoln's Was.h.i.+ngton, p. 223.

Mary fled the capital...through most of August: AL to MTL, August 8, 1863, Lincoln Papers; Turner and Turner, Mary Todd Lincoln, pp. 15354.

A correspondent...”smiling face”: Boston Journal, August 10, 1863.

Lincoln talked about the heat...”distress about it”: AL to MTL, August 8, 1863, Lincoln Papers.

Only in mid-September...with her and with Tad: AL to MTL, September 21 and 22, 1863, in CW, VI, pp. 471, 474.

Mary understood...”to letter writing”: MTL to AL, November 2, [1862], in Turner and Turner, Mary Todd Lincoln, p. 139.

”I wish I could gain...put to the test”: FAS to WHS, June 17, 1863, reel 114, Seward Papers.

”Every day...gone to the field”: WHS to [FAS], July 25, 1863, quoted in Seward, Seward at Was.h.i.+ngton...18611872, p. 177.

she despaired when...”killed & wounded”: FAS to WHS, July 5, 1863, reel 114, Seward Papers.

Only with Frances...exhaustion: WHS to FAS, June 8, 1863, reel 112, Seward Papers.

”Thenceforth...constant devotion to business”: Robert Todd Lincoln to Dr. J. G. Holland, June 6, 1865, box 6, folder 37, William Barton Collection, Special Collections of the Regenstein Library at the University of Chicago.

the Equinox House...dining facilities: ”From The Beginning,” historical pamphlet, Equinox House, Manchester, Vt.

Mary climbed a mountain...Doubleday and his wife: Randall, Mary Lincoln, p. 229; NYH, September 1,1863.

”We did again...fortunes”: William Sprague to KCS, May 27, 1866, Sprague Papers.

his immense manufacturing company...weekly: ”The Rhode Island Spragues,” December 5, 1883, unidentified newspaper, KCS vertical file, DWP.

”I want to show you...undone or destroyed”: William Sprague to KCS, May 1, 1863, Sprague Papers.

”The Gov and Miss Kate...into their fold”: William Sprague to Hiram Barney, May 18, 1863, Salmon Portland Chase Collection, Historical Society of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia [hereafter Chase Papers, Phi.].

”The business...lost its ident.i.ty”: William Sprague to KCS, June 16, 1863, Sprague Papers.

”a wilderness, a blank”: William Sprague to KCS, July 1, 1863, Sprague Papers.

He kept her miniature...”strong a hold”: William Sprague to KCS, June 3, 7 and 8, 1863, Sprague Papers (quotes from June 7 letter).

”I am my darling up...with the suns.h.i.+ne”: William Sprague to KCS, May 21, 1863, Sprague Papers.

”I hope my darling...morning and adieu”: William Sprague to KCS, June 1, 1863, Sprague Papers.

Chase opened the discussion...”any due to me”: SPC to William Sprague, June 6, 1863, reel 27, Chase Papers.