Part 119 (1/2)

”long by n.o.ble deeds”: SPC to EMS, January 9, 1848, reel 6, Chase Papers.

He accepted the post...”swamped at once”: Wolcott, ”Edwin M. Stanton,” p. 154.

”Strange” one but Seward: Entry for January 13, 1862, in The Diary of Edward Bates, 18591866, p. 226.

Welles heard...”Lincoln's confidence”: Welles, ”Narrative of Events,” AHR (1926), p. 488; Hendrick, Lincoln's War Cabinet, p. 234 (quote).

Welles had never even met Stanton: Welles diary, Vol. I (1960 edn.), p. 54.

Stanton's nomination...he would arrange a meeting: Francis Fessenden, Life and Public Services of William Pitt Fessenden, Vol. I (Boston and New York: Houghton Mifflin, 1907), p. 230.

After a lengthy...”the negro question”: William Pitt Fessenden, quoted in ibid., p. 231.

”Not only was...the real cause”: WHS to home, January 15, 1862, in Seward, Seward at Was.h.i.+ngton...18611872, p. 46.

the House Committee...rotten food: NYT, February 6, 1862.

”resolved to advise...unsound provisions”: Frank Leslie's Ill.u.s.trated Newspaper, February 1, 1862.

”highly injurious to the public service”: House resolution of April 30, 1862, quoted in AL, ”To the Senate and House of Representatives,” May 26, 1862, in CW, V, p. 243.

He wrote a long public letter...”was committed”: AL, ”To the Senate and House of Representatives,” May 26, 1862, in ibid., p. 243.

”one of the most intimate...personal friends”: Nicolay and Hay, Abraham Lincoln, Vol. V, p. 130.

Most other men...”incur responsibility”: Simon Cameron to AL, June 26, 1862, Lincoln Papers.

”an entirely new regime”...removed many of Cameron's people: NYT, January 23, 1862.

The day after...”she never did”: EMS, quoted in Boston Daily Evening Transcript, January 7, 1870.

”As his their stations”: Charles F. Benjamin, ”Recollections of Secretary Edwin M. Stanton,” Century 33 (March 1887), p. 761.

”fluent without...and large-hearted”: Entry for January 29, 1862, Diary of George Templeton Strong, Vol. III, p. 203.

”Persons at a distance...Congress speak it”: NYT, January 25, 1862.

Instead of the evening ball: Keckley, Behind the Scenes, pp. 9596; Frank Leslie's Ill.u.s.trated Newspaper, February 22, 1862.

some five hundred invitations: Frank Leslie's Ill.u.s.trated Newspaper, February 22, 1862.

”sought...their invitations”: JGN to TB, February 6, 1862, container 2, Nicolay Papers.

Marine Band...midnight supper: Poore, Perley's Reminiscences, Vol. II, pp. 116, 119.

white satin gown...”in better style”: Keckley, Behind the Scenes, p. 101.

”much attached...ever known”: Entry for February 20, 1862, Taft diary.

built a cabin...troops on the sh.o.r.e: Entry for January 11, 1862, Taft diary (quote); Bayne, Tad Lincoln's Father, p. 177.