Part 94 (1/2)

”when 'a mile a minute' their boots”: Press and Tribune, Chicago, May 16, 1860.

prizefighters hired ”to keep the peace...broken heads”: Clark, ”Lincoln's Nomination As Seen By a Young Girl,” Putnam's, p. 537.

”such refreshments...among the opponents”: Buffalo Morning Express, May 15, 1860, Davis Papers, ICHi.

”almost ridiculous”: Anonymous writer, quoted in As Others See Chicago: Impressions of Visitors, 16731933, ed. Bessie Louise Pierce (Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1933), p. 151.

”growth is...a word”: James Stirling, quoted in ibid., p. 123.

”a military post and fur station”: A Guide to the City of Chicago (Chicago: Zell & Co., 1868), pp. 3233.

population of more than a hundred thousand: Thomas, Abraham Lincoln, p. 207.

”the first grain...all of Europe”: A Strangers' and Tourists' Guide to the City of Chicago (Chicago: Relig. Philo. Pub. a.s.soc., 1866), p. 24.

”the first lumber-market in the world”: Anonymous writer, quoted in As Others See Chicago, p. 151.

”miles of wharves...pursuit of trade”: A Strangers' and Tourists' Guide to the City of Chicago, p. 19.

a bold decision to elevate every building: Anonymous writer, quoted in As Others See Chicago, pp. 15758.

”Our city has been chosen”...Lavish preparations: Press and Tribune, Chicago, May 12, 1860.

”A most magically...the eager crowd”: Press and Tribune, Chicago, May 15, 1860.

Accommodations, restaurants: Baringer, Lincoln's Rise to Power, pp. 21213; Press and Tribune, Chicago, May 9, 14, and 17, 1860.

The most popular luncheon: Chicago Daily Evening Journal, May 15, 1860, Davis Papers, ICHi.

As packed trains forty thousand: Buffalo Morning Express, May 15, 1860, Davis Papers, ALPLM; Baringer, Lincoln's Rise to Power, p. 222.

”I thought...some popular eruption”: Daily [Ind.] Journal, May 17, 1860, Davis Papers, ICHi.

”with a zest...unfeeling bosom”: Press and Tribune, Chicago, May 17, 1860.

”The city is thronged...shunned and condemned”: Chicago Daily Evening Journal, May 15, 1860.

If this new party...the presidency: Luthin, The First Lincoln Campaign, p. 140.

”who crowded...standing room”: Chicago Daily Evening Journal, May 16, 1860, Davis Papers, ICHi.

When the big for the afternoon: Halstead, Three Against Lincoln, pp. 14748; Baringer, Lincoln's Rise to Power, pp. 24647; Jones, ”The 1860 Republican Convention”; Clark, ”Lincoln's Nomination As Seen By a Young Girl,” Putnam's, p. 537 (quote).

Exactly at noon...officially began: Press and Tribune, Chicago, May 17, 1860.

”no body of [their] faith”: Governor Morgan, quoted in Oldroyd, Lincoln's Campaign, pp. 2728; Press and Tribune, Chicago, May 17, 1860.

an inclusive platform...a two-thirds vote: Halstead, Three Against Lincoln, pp. 15658, 159.

”The great body...cardinal doctrines”: Pike, ”Mr. Seward's Defeat,” May 20, 1860, from NYTrib, reprinted in Pike, First Blows of the Civil War, p. 517.