Part 78 (1/2)

”a full view...and Virginia”: William Q. Force, ”Picture of Was.h.i.+ngton and its Vicinity for 1850,” Was.h.i.+ngton, D.C., p. 49.

”stood pig-styes...over the fields”: Samuel C. Busey, M.D., Personal Reminiscences and Recollections of Forty-Six Years' Members.h.i.+p in the Medical Society of the District of Columbia, and Residence in this City, with Biographical Sketches of Many of the Deceased Members (Was.h.i.+ngton, D.C.: [Philadelphia: Dornan, Printer], 1895), pp. 6465.

population of Was.h.i.+ngton: Beveridge, Abraham Lincoln, 18091858, Vol. II, p. 102.

Webster...would outlive the age: ”12 October 1861,,” in John Hay, Inside Lincoln's White House: The Complete Civil War Diary of John Hay, ed. Michael Burlingame and John R. Turner Ettlinger (Carbondale and Edwardsville: Southern Illinois University Press, 1997), p. 26.

Jefferson Davis...Rhett, agitator of rebellion: Robert C. Byrd, The Senate, 17891989, Vol. I: Addresses on the History of the United States Senate, Bicentennial Edition, ed. Mary Sharon Hall (Was.h.i.+ngton, D.C.: Government Printing Office, 1988), p. 182.

”he would lay down...merriment”: Busey, Personal Reminiscences, pp. 25, 27.

Mary in Was.h.i.+ngton: Randall, Mary Lincoln, pp. 10708; Baker, Mary Todd Lincoln, pp. 13640.

background of the Mexican War: Robert W. Johannsen, ”Mexican War,” in The Reader's Companion to American History, ed. Foner and Garraty, pp. 72224: McPherson, Battle Cry of Freedom, pp. 47, 4950.

”a romantic...exotic land”: Johannsen, ”Mexican War,” in The Reader's Companion to American History, ed. Foner and Garraty, p. 723.

John Hardin, was...”G.o.d-speeds of men”: Beveridge, Abraham Lincoln, 18091858, Vol. II, pp. 7980.

”It is a fact...growing crops”: AL to John M. Peck, May 21, 1848, in CW, I, p. 473.

combat ended, peace treaty: Johannsen, ”Mexican War,” in The Reader's Companion to American History, ed. Foner and Garraty, p. 723.

”not let the whigs be silent”: AL to Usher F. Linder, March 22, 1848, in CW, I, p. 457.

”the original justice...of the President”: AL, ”Speech in United States House of Representatives: The War with Mexico,” January 12, 1848, in ibid., p. 432.

”As you are...before long”: AL to WHH, December 13, 1847, in ibid., p. 420.

”whether the particular...hostile array”: AL, ”'Spot' Resolutions in the United States House of Representatives,” December 22, 1847, in ibid., p. 421.

”spotty Lincoln”: Beveridge, Abraham Lincoln, 18091858, Vol. II, p. 135.

” at ease”: AL, ”Speech in United States House of Representatives: The War with Mexico,” January 12, 1848, in CW, I, pp. 432, 433, 43941.

”treasonable a.s.sault”...only a single term: Illinois State Register, March 10, 1848, quoted in Beveridge, Abraham Lincoln, 18091858, Vol. II, p. 135.

to ”allow the President...deems it necessary”: AL to WHH, February 15, 1848, in CW, I, p. 451.

”I saw that Lincoln...and again”: WHH to JWW, February 11, 1887, reel 10, Herndon-Weik Collection, DLC.

only to infuriate the Democrats...fainthearted Whigs: Donald, Lincoln, pp. 12425.

”no...pestilence and famine”: AL, quoting Justin b.u.t.terfield in entry for August 13, 1863, in Hay, Inside Lincoln's White House, p. 73.

”Our of the Pacific”: WHS, 1846, quoted in Seward, An Autobiography, p. 791.

”not expect...national adversaries”: WHS to unknown recipient, May 28, 1846, in ibid., p. 809.

”would not have engaged in”: SPC to Gerrit Smith, September 1, 1846, reel 6, Chase Papers.