Part 13 (1/2)

Runaway. Anne Laughlin 56840K 2022-07-22

”What?” Cooper said.

”You heard me, Sergeant. We're bugging out.”

Drecker dragged David a few yards away and began to speak to him. Maddy could tell he was furious. Behind them, they could see Major Jacovich approaching. Something was up.

”Okay, form up. Time to break down and clean weapons,” Cooper said.

The squad picked up their rifles and lined up behind Cooper, who led them back across the field to the weapons van. As they walked near Drecker and David, Maddy saw David look over at her. He didn't look happy.

”What the f.u.c.k is going on?” asked Kristi.

”I have no idea,” Maddy said. But she did. She saw Jacovich look over at her too, and his face was murderous. They must have found out she was a runaway. But how? She couldn't imagine her parents tracking her to a militia training camp in Michigan. She may as well be on the moon as far as they were concerned.

All around the camp the various small groups were packing up whatever they were doing and moving toward the mustering point. People sat on the ground to break open their weapons and begin cleaning them, while sergeants moved from group to group and told them to speed it up. She looked over to where she'd last seen David and saw Drecker and David running toward her. Fast. For a second, she thought of running away from them.

”Maddy,” David said, as he stopped in front of her. ”You have to come with us.”

”Now,” Drecker said, reaching for her arm to pull her up.

”Whoa, there,” Kristi said. ”What's going on?” She stood and moved toward Drecker.

”Not now, Kristi. We have to get Maddy out of here,” David said.

Drecker and David got on either side of Maddy and started back across the field, each holding an elbow. Kristi trotted behind them.

”I don't know where you dudes think you're taking her, but I'm going with.”

They didn't respond. Maddy stayed quiet and tried to figure out the best approach. Then she realized there wasn't one.

”Are you going to tell me what you're doing?” she asked David. ”Have I done something wrong?”

”Do you mean other than lie to us, Maddy?”

She stopped walking. ”Lie to you? What do you mean?”

”Keep walking,” Drecker barked.

”Someone's come looking for you,” David said. ”Said you're a minor. I asked you that specifically, Maddy. You lied to me. To us.”

Maddy's heart sank. They were kicking her out. Or maybe they were taking her into the woods to shoot her. She wasn't entirely sure which would be worse. As messed up as her little group seemed, she was surprised to feel panic at the idea of not being a part of them.

”I don't understand,” she said. ”Who came looking for me?”

”Shut up,” said Drecker.

They reached the edge of the woods farthest from the entrance to the training field and started down a slim trail. Drecker led, with Maddy behind him, then David and Kristi. They moved at a clip, and whenever Maddy tried to ask questions, Drecker told her to shut up. She turned to David several times, but his face was frozen and he stared down at the trail in front of him. After a half hour's hike, they came out on a small access road that cut through the woods along a row of electrical towers. A pickup truck waited for them there with Corporal Watson behind the wheel.

”The two of you, get in the back,” Drecker ordered. Maddy and Kristi scrambled into the truck bed and he threw a tarp over them. ”Don't move until I tell you to.” Drecker and David climbed into the cab with Watson and they drove off.

Maddy was laying flat on her back with the cold and heavy tarp draping her face and the handle of a sledgehammer wedged under her hip. Kristi was lying on her stomach beside her, her chin propped on her hands like they were having a chat at a slumber party. She didn't look very happy, though.

”What the f.u.c.k, Maddy?”


”Is it true you're a minor? I knew it. There was something weird about you just showing up like that.”

”I didn't just show up,” Maddy said. ”I've been helping David plan this whole thing all along.”

”Well, he didn't know you were a kid. This is f.u.c.ked up. We could have police swarming all over the place now.”

Maddy stayed still. She didn't like Kristi being unhappy with her. And David had looked ready to throw her into the pond. She could hear voices arguing in the cab of the truck. She didn't know if they were driving her to a police station or to someplace where they could handle the situation on their own, whatever that might mean.

”Where do you think they're taking us?” Maddy asked.

”h.e.l.l if I know. I hope it's somewhere close and they have a toilet. I have to pee something fierce.”

Maddy rummaged in her pants pocket and pulled out a Snickers bar. They shared it while bouncing around under the tarp. When the truck hit a in the road, Kristi ended up with the candy bar smashed into her forehead. They got a very serious case of the giggles over that and Kristi moaned that she was about to pee in her pants. By the time they pulled off a main road and started bouncing again up a dirt path, they'd nearly forgotten what had started the journey in the first place.

The truck finally stopped and Drecker pulled the tarp off them and ordered them out. They were in a small clearing in the woods. Watson was walking toward a tiny cabin while David stood with Drecker.

”What is this place?” asked Maddy.

”This is where we're going to hide you until we can figure out what to do,” David said. ”I don't know if you realize the position you've put us in, Maddy.”

”Well, I don't even understand what all is happening. Who came looking for me? I can't believe it was my parents.”

”Worse. It was a private investigator,” Drecker said. ”That means she's paid to find you and she probably won't go away just cause we ask her to. You two aren't at a pay grade privileged enough to know just how much this can f.u.c.k us up, so no more questions.”

Drecker marched up to the cabin after Watson. Kristi ducked into the woods to pee. Maddy looked up at David and saw a mix of anger and fear on his face.

”I'm sorry, David. I didn't mean to get you in trouble.”

”Drecker and Jacovich are really p.i.s.sed off.” He looked down at Maddy and she saw that he was more afraid of them than mad at her.

”I don't understand what they have to do with it anyway,” she said. ”What do they care whether I'm a minor or not?”

”They care because they want to see us set up in Idaho. They don't want their organization to draw heat for harboring a minor, especially a girl.”

”How much do they have to do with Idaho?”

David looked behind him at the cabin and then over where Kristi was emerging from behind a tree, zipping her pants. ”Did you honestly think that your twenty thousand dollars and the six of us were going to be able to set up a homestead in Idaho?” he whispered.

Drecker yelled at them from the porch of the cabin to come up. The cabin was so small that he looked odd standing there, as if he were in front of a deluxe doghouse. Watson came out of the cabin and stood next to him and they watched with hooded eyes as David, Kristi, and Maddy walked up.

”You two girls are going to stay here until we come back to get you. There's water and MREs inside, outhouse in back. Don't try to leave. If you hike out, we'll find you and then I will turn you in to the authorities.” He was glaring at Maddy.

”Wait a second. You're going to leave us here without a car?” Kristi said. ”I've got places I gotta be.”

”Yeah? What places?” Drecker asked.