Part 25 (1/2)

”We cannot, of course, say positively who our client is or who he is not,” he said. ”All we can say is that he came to us with an introduction from an old client of ours whom we knew very well, and that his story seems to us to be quite credible. No doubt he can bring further proof.

That he did not come here in the first instance--”

”I'll tell you why I, personally, am very much surprised that he didn't,”

interrupted Mr. Carless. ”You told Lord Ellingham yesterday that your client saw no end of advertis.e.m.e.nts for him at the time of his father's death. Now, we, Carless and Driver, sent out those advertis.e.m.e.nts--our name was appended to every one of them, wherever they appeared. Why, then, when this man--if he is the real man--returned home, did he not come to us? For there are three persons in this office who--but wait!”

He touched a bell; the clerk who had announced Methley and Woodlesford put his head in at the door.

”Ask Mr. Portlethwaite to come here,” commanded Mr. Carless. ”And just find out if Mr. Driver is in his room. Portlethwaite can tell me when he comes.”

An elderly, grey-haired man presently appeared and closed the door behind him as if aware of the sacred nature of the proceedings.

”Mr. Driver is out, Mr. Carless,” he said. ”You wanted me, I think?”

”Our senior clerk,” observed Mr. Carless, by way of introduction.

”Portlethwaite, you remember the Lord Marketstoke who disappeared some thirty-five years ago?”

Mr. Portlethwaite smiled.

”Quite well, Mr. Carless!” he answered. ”As if it were yesterday. He used to come here a good deal, you know.”

”Do you think you'd know him again, Portlethwaite, after all these years?” asked Mr. Carless. ”Thirty-five years, mind!”

The elderly clerk smiled--more a.s.suredly than before. Then he looked significantly at a corner of the room, and Mr. Carless took the hint, and rising from his chair, went aside with him. Portlethwaite whispered something in his employer's ear, and Carless suddenly laughed and nodded.

”To be sure--to be sure--I remember now!” he said aloud. ”Thank you, Portlethwaite: that's all. Well, gentlemen,” he continued, returning to his desk when the clerk had gone. ”I think the best thing you can do is to bring your client here--if he is the real and genuine article, he will, I am sure, be very glad indeed to meet three persons who knew him quite intimately in the old days--Mr. Driver, Mr. Portlethwaite and myself. And I really don't know that there's any more to do or say.”

The two visitors rose, and Methley looked at Mr. Carless in a questioning fas.h.i.+on.

”Am I to go away with the impression that you believe our client to be an impostor?” he said quietly.

”Frankly I do!” answered Mr. Carless.

”So do I!” exclaimed Mr. Pawle. ”Emphatically so!”

”In that case,” said Methley, ”I see no advantage in bringing him here.”

”Not even anything to your own advantage?” suggested Mr. Carless, with a keen glance which pa.s.sed from one partner to the other. ”You, as reputable pract.i.tioners of our profession, don't want to be mixed up with an impostor?”

”We should be very sorry to be mixed up in any way with an impostor, Mr.

Carless!” said Methley.

Mr. Carless pursed his lips for a moment as if he were never going to open them again; then he suddenly relaxed them.

”I tell you what it is, gentlemen!” he said. ”I'm only antic.i.p.ating matters in saying what I'm going to say, and I'm saying it because I feel sure you are quite sincere and genuine in this affair and are being deceived. If you will bring your client here, there are three of us in this office who, as my old clerk has just reminded me, can positively identify him on the instant if he is the man he claims to be. Positively, I say, and at once! There!”

”May one ask how?” said Woodlesford.

”No!” exclaimed Mr. Carless. ”Bring him! Telephone an appointment--and we'll settle the matter as soon as he sets foot inside that door.”