Part 18 (1/2)
Mr. Pawle looked round the room, as if suspicious that Ashton might have hidden papers in the stuffing of the sofa or the easy-chair.
”I wonder if there's anything in that,” he said suddenly. ”It looks like a receptacle of some sort.”
Viner turned and saw the old lawyer pointing to a curious j.a.panese cabinet which stood in the middle of the marble mantelpiece--the only really notable ornament in the room. Mr. Pawle laid hold of it and uttered a surprised exclamation. ”That's a tremendous weight for so small a thing!” he said. ”Feel it!”
Viner took hold of the cabinet--an affair of some eighteen inches in height and twelve in depth--and came to the conclusion that it was heavily weighted with lead. He lifted it down to the desk, giving it a slight shake.
”I took it for a cigar cabinet,” he remarked. ”How does it open? Have you a key that will fit it?”
But upon examination there was no keyhole, and nothing to show how the door was opened.
”I see what this is,” said Viner, after looking closely over the cabinet, back, front and sides. ”It opens by a trick--a secret. Probably you press something somewhere and the door flies open. But--where?”
”Try,” counselled Mr. Pawle. ”There's something inside--I heard it when you shook the thing.”
It took Viner ten minutes to find out the secret. He would not have found it at all but for accident. But pressing here and pulling there, he suddenly touched what appeared to be no more than a cleverly inserted rivet in the ebony surface; there was a sharp click, and the panelled front flew open.
”There is something!” exclaimed Mr. Pawle. ”Papers!”
He drew out a bundle of papers, folded in a strong sheet of cartridge-paper and sealed back and front. The enveloping cover was old and faded; the ribbon which had been tied round the bundle was discoloured by age; the wax of the seals was cracked all over the surface.
”No inscription, no writing,” said Mr. Pawle. ”Now, I wonder what's in here?”
”Shall I fetch Miss Wickham?” suggested Viner. Mr. Pawle hesitated.
”No!” he said at last. ”I think not. Let us first find out what this packet contains. I'll take the responsibility.”
He cut the ribbons beneath the seals, and presently revealed a number of letters, old and yellow, in a woman's handwriting. And after a hasty glance at one or two of the uppermost, he turned to Viner with an exclamation that signified much.
”Viner!” he said, ”here is indeed a find! These are letters written by the Countess of Ellingham to her son, Lord Marketstoke, when he was a schoolboy at Eton!”
Viner looked over Mr. Pawle's shoulder at the letters--there were numbers of them, all neatly folded and arranged; a faint scent of dried flowers rose from them as the old lawyer spread them out on the desk.
”Which Countess of Ellingham, and which Lord Marketstoke?” asked Viner.
”There have been--must have been--several during the last century.”
”The Lord Marketstoke I mean is the one who disappeared,” answered Mr.
Pawle. ”We've no concern with any other. Look at these dates! We know that if he were living, he would now be a man of sixty-one or so; therefore, he'd be at school about forty-five years ago. Now, look here,”
he went on, rapidly turning the letters over. ”Compare these dates--they run through two or three years; they were all of forty-three to forty-six years since. You see how they're signed--you see how they're addressed?
There's no doubt about it, Viner--this is a collection of letters written by the seventh Countess of Ellingham to her elder son, Lord Marketstoke, when he was at Eton.”
”How came they into Ashton's possession, I wonder!” asked Viner.
”It's all of a piece!” exclaimed Mr. Pawle. ”All of a piece with Ashton's visit to Marketstoke--all of a piece with the facts that Avice was a favourite name with the Cave-Gray family, and that one of the holders of the t.i.tle married a Wickham. Viner, there's no doubt whatever--in my mind--that either Ashton was Lord Marketstoke or that he knew the man who was!”