Part 11 (1/2)
”I'll be ready for you at half-past five,” he said. Then, halfway to the door, he turned with a question: ”By the by,” he added, ”you wouldn't like me to tell the two ladies that we've found out where Ashton went when he was away?”
”I think not until we've found out why he went away,” answered the old lawyer with a significant smile. ”We may draw the covert blank, you know, after all. When we've some definite news--”
Viner nodded, went out, into the afternoon calm of Bedford Row. As he walked up it, staring mechanically at the old-fas.h.i.+oned red brick fronts, he wondered how many curious secrets had been talked over and perhaps unravelled in the numerous legal sanctuaries approached through those open doorways. Were there often as strange ones as that upon which he had so unexpectedly stumbled? And when they first came into the arena of thought and speculation did they arouse as much perplexity and mental exercise as was now being set up in him? Did every secret, too, possibly endanger a man's life as his old schoolfellow's was being endangered? He had no particular affection or friends.h.i.+p for Langton Hyde, of whom, indeed, he had known very little at school, but he had an absolute conviction that he was innocent of murder, and that conviction had already aroused in him a pa.s.sionate determination to outwit the police.
He had been quick to see through Drillford's plans. There was a case, a strong _prima facie_ case against Hyde, and the police would work it up for all they were worth. Failing proofs in other directions, failing the discovery of the real murderer, how was that case going to be upset? And was it likely that he and Pawle were going to find any really important evidence in an obscure Buckinghams.h.i.+re market-town?
He jumped into a cab at the top of Bedford Row and hastened back to Markendale Square to pack a bag and prepare for his journey. Miss Penkridge called to him from the drawing-room as he was running upstairs; he turned into the room to find her in company with two ladies--dismal, pathetic figures in very plain and obviously countrified garments, both in tears and evident great distress, who, as Viner walked in, rose from their chairs and gazed at him sadly and wistfully. They reminded him at once of the type of spinster found in quiet, unpretentious cottages in out-of-the-way villages--the neither young nor old women, who live on circ.u.mscribed means and are painfully shy of the rude world outside. And before either he or Miss Penkridge could speak, the elder of the two broke into an eager exclamation.
”Oh, Mr. Viner, we are Langton's sisters! And we are so grateful to you--and oh, do you think you can save him?”
Viner was quick to seize the situation. He said a soothing word or two, begged his visitors to sit down again, and whispered to Miss Penkridge to ring for tea.
”You have come to town today?” he asked.
”We left home very, very early this morning,” replied the elder sister.
”We learned this dreadful news last night in the evening paper. We came away at four o'clock this morning--we live in Durham, Mr. Viner,--and we have been to Mr. Felpham's office this afternoon. He told us how kind you had been in engaging his services for our unfortunate brother, and we came to thank you. But oh, do you think there is any chance for him?”
”Every chance!” declared Viner, pretending more conviction than he felt.
”Don't let yourselves be cast down. We'll move heaven and earth to prove that he's wrongly accused. I gather--if you don't mind my asking--that your brother has been out of touch with you for some time?”
The two sisters exchanged mournful glances.
”We had not heard anything of Langton for some years,” replied the elder. ”He is much--much younger than ourselves, and perhaps we are too staid and old-fas.h.i.+oned for him. But if we had known that he was in want! Oh, dear me, we are not at all well-to-do, Mr. Viner, but we would have sacrificed anything. Mr. Felpham says that we shall be allowed to visit him--he is going to arrange for us to do so. And of course we must remain in London until this terrible business is over--we came prepared for that.”
”Prepared for that!” repeated the other sister, who seemed to be a fainter replica of the elder. ”Yes, prepared, of course, Mr. Viner.”
”Now that we have found Langton, though in such painful circ.u.mstances,”
said the first speaker, ”we must stand by him. We must find some quiet lodging, and settle down to help. We cannot let all the burden fall on you, Mr. Viner.”
Viner glanced at Miss Penkridge. They were quick to understand each other, these two, and he knew at once that Miss Penkridge saw what was in his mind.
”You must stay with us,” he said, turning to the two mournful figures. ”We have any amount of room in this house, and we shall be only too glad--”
”Oh, but that is too--” began both ladies.
”I insist,” said Viner, with a smile.
”We both insist!” echoed Miss Penkridge. ”We are both given to having our own way, too; so say no more about it. We are all in the same boat just now, and its name is _Mystery_, and we must pull together until we're in harbour.”
”Listen!” said Viner. ”I have to go away tonight, on a matter closely connected with this affair. Let me leave you in my aunt's charge, and tomorrow I may be able to give you some cheering news. You'll be much more comfortable here than in any lodgings or hotel and--and I should like to do something for Hyde; we're old schoolfellows, you know.”
Then he escaped from the room and made ready for his journey; and at half-past five came Mr. Pawle in his private car and carried him off into the dark. And hour and a half later the car rolled smoothly into the main street of a quiet, wholly Arcadian little town, and pulled up before an old-fas.h.i.+oned many-gabled house over the door of which was set up one of those ancient signs which, in such places, display the coat of arms of the lord of the manor. Viner had just time to glance around him, and in a clear, starlit evening, to see the high tower of a church, the timbered fronts of old houses, and many a tall, venerable tree, before following Mr. Pawle into a stone hall filled with dark oak cabinets and bright with old bra.s.s and pewter, on the open hearth of which burnt a fine and cheery fire of logs.
”Excellent!” muttered the old lawyer as he began to take off his mult.i.tudinous wraps. ”A real bit of the real old England! Viner, if the dinner is as good as this promises, I shall be glad we've come, whatever the occasion.”
”Here's the landlady, I suppose,” said Viner as a door opened.
A tall, silver-haired old woman, surprisingly active and vivacious in spite of her evident age, came forward with a polite, old-fas.h.i.+oned bow.
She wore a silk gown and a silk ap.r.o.n and a smart cap, and her still bright eyes took in the two visitors at a glance.