Part 9 (1/2)
That was the term he used.”
”And romantic--quite so,” a.s.sented Fosd.i.c.k. ”Celebrated and romantic--those were the words. But in any case, he said, whether it got to law matters or not, it couldn't fail to be in the papers, and we should read all about it in due time.”
”And you know no more than that?” inquired Mr. Pawle.
”Nothing!” said Fosd.i.c.k with decision.
Mr. Pawle looked at Viner as if to seek some inspiration. And Viner took up the work of examination.
”Do you know anything of Mr. Ashton's movements since he came to London?” he asked.
”Next to nothing,” replied Fosd.i.c.k. ”Ashton left the _Maraquibo_ at Naples, and came overland--he wanted to put in a day or two in Rome and a day or two in Paris. We came round by sea to Tilbury. Then Stephens and I separated--he went to see his people in Scotland, and I went to mine in Lancas.h.i.+re. We met--Stephens and I--in London here last week. And we saw Ashton for just a few minutes, down in the City.”
”Ah!” exclaimed Mr. Pawle. ”You have seen him, then! Did anything happen?”
”You mean relating to what he'd told _us_?” said Fosd.i.c.k. ”Well, no more than I asked him sort of jokingly, how the secret was. And he said it was just about to come out, and we must watch the papers.”
”There was a remark he made,” observed Stephens. ”He said it would be of just as much interest, perhaps of far more, to our Colonial papers as to the English.”
”Yes--he said that,” agreed Fosd.i.c.k. ”He knew, you see, that we were just about setting off home.”
”He didn't ask you to his house?” inquired Mr. Pawle.
”That was mentioned, but we couldn't fix dates,” replied Fosd.i.c.k.
”However, we told him we were both coming over again on business, next year, and we'd come and see him then.”
Mr. Pawle spread out his hands with a gesture of helplessness.
”We're as wise as ever,” he exclaimed.
”No,” said Fosd.i.c.k emphatically, ”wiser! The man had a secret, affecting powerful interests. Many a man's been put away for having a secret.”
Mr. Pawle put his finger-tips together and looked thoughtfully at his elder visitor.
”Well, there's a good deal in that,” he said at last. ”Now, while you're here, perhaps you can tell me something else about Ashton. How long have you known him?”
”Ever since we were lads,” answered Fosd.i.c.k readily. ”He was a grown man, then, though. Stephens and I are about forty--Ashton was sixty.”
”You've always known of him as a townsman of Melbourne?”
”That's so. We were taken out there when we were about ten or twelve--Ashton lived near where we settled down. He was a speculator in property--made his money in buying and selling lots.”
”Was he well known?”
”Everybody knew Ashton.”
”Did you ever know of his having a friend named Wickham?” inquired Mr.
Pawle with a side-glance at Viner. ”Think carefully, now!”
But Fosd.i.c.k shook his head, and Stephens shook his.