Chapter 301 Going Up 9 (1/2)

Chapter 301 Going Up 9

”This staircase should be able to lead to the fourth floor… or so Bujue shone his flashlight upward Before the four was a spiraling staircase The steps were e shape From an architectural standpoint, this kind of staircase was ih support, but considering this was virtual reality and the scenario itself was non scientific, no one really cared…

”Hhty Words leaned over to look

”And they are only going up,” A they did not walk backward down to this floor… the tin ot up to the fourth floor”

”I have walked around the entire third floor and calculated its size This floor is twice as large as the two floors underneath There is an obvious issue with di is ai Bujue said ”I believe that the clue on this floor was the s as we followed the smell of dead bodies, we'd be able to find one of the two cri the bloody footprints, we'd find the other scene and this staircase”

”In other words… you believe that other than these three locations, there are no ht?” Ambitionist asked

”At least, that is what I think Of course, it is fine if ant to give this floor another thorough search, but to do that without aht end up with nothing,” Feng Bujue said ”Currently, we have no idea how many floors there are above us and howthe batteries of our flashlights”

”I also think there is no need to explore this floor any has already looked around and found these three locations that are perfectly linked If we continue the exploration, with just two flashlights, ill have to split up, and one group hty Words added

”I have no issue with that, but…” Ambitionist lifted his head to look at the end of the spiral staircase where there was a rectangular wooden door that was embedded in the cellar ”Who would open that door? What if there's an axe waiting for us?”

”Just have Autu Bujue said ”Then the axe will at most fall on the broom”

”You are bloody brilliant,” Autumn Zither said The adjective that sounded like a curse was not banned by the syste, he still led the way up the stairs with a helpless sigh Feng Bujue shrugged He glanced at his other two teammates The three did not speak They just smiled and followed Autu After a circle and a half, Autumn Zither reached the top He used the broom and pushed upith the wooden end, and the wooden door creaked open So, the fourth floor appeared to be a rather tall space Since the light caht source was

”Hey…what is that smell?” Autumn Zither stood at the front, and he was hit by this strange smell once he flipped open the wooden board