Chapter 270 Battle for the Cape 13 (1/2)

Chapter 270 Battle for the Cape 13

Pa! Pa! Pa!

Suddenly, fro came shi+va put away the trace of tiredness and slackness on his face and turned his face toward the source of the voice In his line of sight, out walked a ear He wore a long-sleeved T-shi+rt and a dark jacket on top

”Seven Kills” shi+va called out the man's name directly Obviously, the two had also crossed blades before

Seven Kills stopped clapping

”The battle was incredibly enjoyable to watch, but I personally dislike the flaunting and colorful skills,” he said with a sht with their fists”

”You are one strangefor so long… why didn't you try to a Death? If you did that, perhaps you would have killed both of us on the spot and claihed and said, ”Because I am of the philosophy that battle should always be done one on one”

He worked his neck and cracked his fingers He looked like he was about to get into the ring

”I have not heard of a philosophy like that before” When shi+va was conversing with the man, he silently used a Life Point Recovery Potion and recovered his Life Points back toor participating in it, I hope that the fighting will be one on one,” Seven Kills explained ”This is more like a sport… Two experts at the top of their field try their best to fight until the last moment, and there will only be one victor”

He clenched his fists ”In that case… the winner will be the stronger person There is no arguuht at this ly ”For exa Death, and I am too weak to take on souffawed at the top of his lungs ”You are not going to slide by me that easily I can see that you still have plenty of Staards to Life Points, you recovered theo”

He was a straightforward speaker; he would speak as on his mind

”Furthermore, I airl called Not a Scaredy Cat earlier I initially thought that a female player like her should be easy to kill, but ould have thought the girls these days are ot killed due to a small mistake”

”That is where Thriller Paradise is at its ,” shi+va replied ”You should have noticed this already King of Shadows has been defeated”

He paused before adding with a dark tone, ”And he was not killed by you,Death”

”Yes, that is indeed out ofa battle That dude's Blood Golem is not easy to deal with” Seven Kills then added by way of explanation, ”But… I do not think he died at the hands of Not a Scaredy Cat The girl has not reached that level of power”

”So… you mean to say that… this is the work of a player who is just at level twenty-eight… the guy called Feng Bujue?” shi+va tried to draw out the infor of which, I think I have heard of that name somewhere before…” Seven Kills scratched his head ”But I cannot remember where and when it is now Who cares? We cannot just si of Shadoas killed by another player, right? There are many more powerful characters in this city”

”Of course, yousilent for two seconds ”His Blood Gole Perhaps he attracted the attention of the police or the superheroes and was killed by one of the characters in the scenario”

”That is about enough analysis is so that is quite pointless Isn't that what you told Understanding Death just o?” Seven Kills said ”There is only one surefire way to win this game, and that is kill all the other players other than yourself”

”Fine, one on one philosophy, is it? I ae,” shi+va replied That here the conversation ended The next second, the two got ready in their battle stance, and the fight was about to start at any moment

After that brief conversation, shi+va and Seven Kills had come to a consensus that this battle wouldGame From their perspective, the other two players could not be counted as a threat Just as the tere about to get into the fight, another change suddenly occurred

A figure suddenly appeared out of nowhere and stood right in the middle of the two He used a hoarse tone to ask, ”You two are the so-called 'supervillains from another dimension', aren't you?”

Both shi+va and Seven Kills had no idea who this new person was, but they both retreated instantly from him and pulled a distance about more than ten meters away frohters ere in a fighting state This uninvited guest who joined the fight wore dark-gray tights and had one a black cape over his head He had a white cotton shi+rt covering his body, and there was a blood red cross in the middle of his shi+rt He held two blades, one in each hand, and wore a belt around his waist He wore long boots and looked like a Justiciar froes

”Who are you?” shi+va asked

The man turned his face toward shi+va and showed the mask underneath the black cape The mask hite in color, and the lower half was open and had the sys that were extended The mask did not show the mouth or nose

”That is the question that I have been intending to ask you” A hoarse reply came from underneath the o, the Order of St Duhts were chosen to form the Crusaders, but they later broke off from the Templars They created their own secret faction and based theeance to protect the words of God

This guardian was known as Azrael, the angel of Death With the changing of tiel of Death continued to change

That man who appeared before shi+va and Seven Kills then was known as Michael Washi+ngton Lane He was a linebacker when he was in college, and then he later joined the marines After he left the service, he joined the Gotha into the death of his whole faeness behind those deaths… Lane eventually joined a secret project that was a joint mission between the military and the Gotham Police

The content of the mission was… to select and train a bunch of people who could replace Batman when the superhero was injured, and Lane was one of the three last candidates who reone insane, the project had drawn to a close Still, that was not where Lane's story ended

Now, he donned the Suit of Sorrow and held the Sword of Sin, wreathed in red flaht hand and the Sword of Salvation, wreathed in blue flael of Death and worked in Gotham City with the rest of the superheroes

”Hearing what you said, you sound like one of the vigilantes Our fight here does not appear to be any of your business, buddy,” Seven Kills said As soht stopped moments before it was about to start naturally annoyed hiel of Death turned his gaze once eance and pressure came from underneath the white mask Just this invisible presence alone went to shoerful the superheroes in this scenario were

”You were one of the tho caused the fight at Western Streets earlier, weren't you?” the Angel of Death interrogated ”Due to your so-called 'fight', an innocent taxi driver and a married couple died on the spot, and many people were injured by the traffic accident”

When shi+va heard this, he was overjoyed Looking at the situation, he could borrow the NPC's power to remove Seven Kills, and that would be a riskless move for him Therefore, he shouted at Seven Kills, ”Looks like he's here for you I a to make myself scarce for you to deal with this”

Then he prepared to leave

”I don't think so” Another voice rang out shi+va whipped his head around, and only then did he realize that there were two people standing behind hi of a co-haired handso, and the beauty in the purple corset showing off her voluptuous legs was the Huntress The one who had spoken was Nightwing, dick Grayson