Chapter 253 Brothers 17 (1/2)

Chapter 253 Brothers 17

”Hs that I need to confirm with you

”One, why do you want to become a human? As a Xin clan descendant, you should knoeak and deplorable huive up your natural talent and gift to become one of them?

”Thy did you allowon your own, couldn't you?”

Arthur looked at Feng Bujue deeply and then smiled ”Hu Bujue suess”

Helike this was sos, as intelligent creatures with a lie over time The same person will act differently when he is forty compared to when he enty, and similarly, it would be different when he was thirty On this point, I believe it is the sa Bujue sounded confident when he said that

”Therefore, e view at this chronologically to predict your behavior and thoughts back then, everything will have a reasonable explanation When ere still young, be it the bond between siblings or love for our mother, they were both real and simple”

He raised the yellowed picture ”Just like in this picture”

Several seconds later, his tone changed ”Unfortunately, our mother had her own plans She probably did not expect you to see through her plan when you were only fourteen You could have killed her directly, right? Of course you could, but that would have caused a series of proble, our family had to have some outer interaction, and our mother's death could not be explained away easily You had to find a reason that would make her death seem reasonable

”So, you created the illusion of a disease The suffering of a long and incurable disease was an acceptable reason As the eldest son, you would naturally take over the responsibilities at home and on the far myself, was mentally prepared for that Other than that, based onreason you did this, and that is… when a person is on their death bed, their disguise will fall”

When Feng Bujue said that, he could not help but be re of which… he was also someone with an incurable disease and could die at any moment But he still lived his life like usual He did what he was supposed to Why was that? Because he had nothing else to do or because he could not care less anyht, so the only explanation was that he was ht… When the wo to die and knew that she was unable to stealour faical son after her death,” Arthur replied

”And you pro Bujue added

”Hah… It's what she deserves” Arthur smiled ”It wasn't easy for her to put up the act for decades Objectively speaking, she provided me with food, a home, education, and care No matter her aim, I should repay her investment kindly”

”You sure have your own set ofBujue smiled back ”Is the incurable disease part of the repayment?”

”Naturally,” Arthur replied ”If I didn't use that method to end her life and waited until the day she decided to come for me, she would have had a worse death”

”H Bujue said ”You held onto the promise, and you didn't kill me In fact, you treated me like a real brother No matter what kind of person e At the tiht occurred to you You wished to become like everyone else, to live a peaceful life, to not allow your identity as a Xin clan descendant to harm those around you any for his response Arthur did not deny it He htly, ”Unfortunately, reality had other plans”

”I ad Bujue said ”If I was in your shoes, I would never have considered turning into human Haha… From that comparison, you are the kinder of the two of us”

”Hu Bujue changed the subject ”After you started the experio out of control Just as I said earlier, things change with tie Oftentimes, e stop and turn back to look, we notice that e are doing has already strayed froers ”I believe, there are two key points that changed you One, in the continuous killing, the innate nature of the Xin clan within you akened And two, you found out about er brother who looked innocent and kind was just acting before you like that wo Bujue with a bitter smile ”So, I faked an ancient alchee soul, created a chance for you to discover it, and used that as a test I didn't expect you to hide it without hesitation and start your own plan to harot” Feng Bujue had no pressure ad the mistake on Andrew's behalf ”I still have one last question… Why, until now, haven't you killedto save me?”

”Indeed…Why is that?” Arthur replied ”When the experiment started, I'd lost all hope in you There was unbridled excitement and madness in your eyes, and there was not one trace of hesitation

”After the experiment failed, I looked at you, and I asked myself if there was a reason to keep you alive” Arthur lifted his head to look at Feng Bujue ”There was none But I couldn't do it because, at that moment, I realized that you were the only fah we are not blood related, I still treat you as my brother I hope desperately that we could return toBujue and looked at the two sained that innocent and pure life”